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These Neighbourly Complaint Notes Are Simply Outstanding and an Amusing Read

These Neighbourly Complaint Notes Are Simply Outstanding and an Amusing Read

We can’t always get along nicely with our neighbours, but we can certainly try to be courteous even if they are being more problematic than usual. One way that we can avoid confrontation over an annoying issue is to leave a friendly note. Or a not so friendly note, whatever works.

These complaint notes are some of the best we’ve seen. Have a look for yourself and tell us what you think!

1. This one is clear and straight to the point

2. The best way to respond to an anonymous complaint!

3. Good advice for anyone, really

4. Awkward…

5. I think this one might be our favourite so far

6. Love that they included a portrait of the cat

7. It started off nicely and went downhill from there

8. Hey, if you’re going to put on a performance, expect some constructive criticism!

9. They were warned three times, that big cat must be a pest

10. Whoever plays loud Christmas music at 7am in March deserves much more than this note

11. I wonder if this actually worked?

12. If the last note didn’t work, we bet this one did!

13. A little polite passive aggression to get the point across

14. Perfection!

15. Another one for upper storey dwellers

16. Here’s a message in response to a friendly visit from the local constabulary

17. There’s nothing like a terrifying threat to start your day off right

18. I was wrong, this is the best one!

19. Loving the example of what will happen if the behaviour continues

20. Brief and to the point.

21. Uggh, we can only imagine what sort of mess prompted this note.


Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments!

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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