Win 1 of 10 Copies of ‘How Hard Can It Be’ by Allison Pearson

Win 1 of 10 Copies of ‘How Hard Can It Be’ by Allison Pearson
Kate Reddy is back! This is the follow-up to the international bestseller I Don’t Know How She Does It, the novel that defined modern life for women everywhere. This time she’s juggling teenagers, ageing parents and getting back into the workplace, and every page will have you laughing and thinking: It’s not just me.
Kate Reddy is counting down the days until she is fifty, but not in a good way. Fifty, in Kate’s mind, equals invisibility. And with hormones that have her in shackles, teenage children who need her there but won’t talk to her and ailing parents who aren’t coping, Kate is in the middle of a sandwich that she isn’t even allowed to eat because of the calories.
She’s back at work after a big break at home, because somebody has to bring home the bacon now that her husband Rich has dropped out of the rat race to master the art of mindfulness. But just as Kate is finding a few tricks to get by in her new workplace, her old client and flame Jack reappears – complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it.
This is a coming of age story for turning fifty. It’s about so much more than a balancing act; it’s about finding out who you are and what you need to feel alive when you’ve got used to being your own last priority. And every page will leave you feeling that there’s a bit of Kate Reddy in all of us.
Visit the HarperCollins website for more information and details on where to buy the book.
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This is great story that many mums can relate to. I would like to get insight of how raising teenager feels like, as I have one in his tween right now
I too turned 50 this year, and I gotta say
It was a mixed emotions day
How Hard Can it be looks like a good read
A fun look and what we do, indeed
There’s so much in this story I can relate to, being in my fifties with ageing parents, teenage kids, and a husband who is rejecting the rat race! Maybe this story will give me some clues on how to cope.
How hard can it be…everyday I see teenage girls who are living in a Bubble…cushioned by routine and timetables…yes the Bubble is going to burst and the real World will smack then in the face and there will only be the memory of what they had….Really How Hard Can It Be!
Would love to read this I loved the first book hilarious 🙂
My kids are nearing the teenage years so I would love to be prepared as much as I can be
This book will inspire my heart
An understanding of life that’s part
Things which don’t always go to plan
Key is; believe you can
Look to positivity and embrace
A literary masterpiece, our saving grace.
I would love to win this book because this sounds a lot like my life, I could do with a good laugh and love to try new authors.
I always thought people misunderstood the end of the first book – that she wasn’t going to succeed in taking the break. Pearson obviously felt differently, so I really want to see how Kate’s life went from there.
Sounds like a book I can relate to and hopefully a book to draw some inspiration from and have a bit of a laugh at the same time.
I would love to win because like everyone else, I want to know “How hard can it be?”
I’m already struggling with toddlers. I’m too scared of the thought of what I’m gonna be into when they’re teenagers. So, this book is much coveted, no doubt.
I would love to win a copy because I love the author.
I am only a few years off 50 myself and have an elderly father who is fortunately in good health. My in-laws on the other hand are both unwell so this book would be invaluable to give me ideas on how to cope.
great for mate who is doing it bit hard
I’d love something new to soak up my brain
As part of a book club of 40-50 year olds, we are always looking for new, relevant and interesting books to read and this could be one.
I’d love to read this fantastic book because Kate Reddy’s life reminds me of myself and I would love to find out how she’s dealing with all the above issues on day to day basis. Thank you.
I need to find out who I am and put myself first, before I’m too old to enjoy life.
I am all for a good read and it’s been a while since I have had one. I love this author and look forward to putting a good dent in the couch reading this!