Is Big Brother Vanishing from our Screens?

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Is Big Brother Vanishing from our Screens?
So it seems as if Big Brother is slowly vanishing from our screens.
After the Sunday night show was cut recently, Channel 9 has now also cancelled the Friday night show too.
This means that we will only see BB on our screens Monday – Thursday. Ticket sales have also been put on hold for the next eviction on Wednesday 22nd October with the question being whether or not a live eviction will actually happen.
Let’s do the math. Seeing as there is no online access to the ‘happenings’ in the house other than catch-up episodes, it works out to now be only 5 and a half hours of BB a week, minus the ads.
It is interesting to know that the Friday night show for this week in particular is being replaced by some James Bond action in Goldeneye. Are ratings THAT bad that the once popular reality show is being replaced with a famous, however mid 90’s movie?
Image Source- Newsdotcomdotau
Is it because there is no more ‘up late’ version of the show? That was hugely popular and actually gave most of us an excuse to stay up and watch the show, rather than staying up to watch what was once referred to as the 7pm Daily Show.
Do we miss Friday Night Live/Friday Night Games where we saw a more laid back, competitive version of the housemates?
Whatever it is that we miss/love/hate about Big Brother, the big question is how much longer is this once extremely exciting reality show going to last if they can’t keep an audience to watch 6 nights a week?
Image Source- The Guardian
Hi, I’m Jess.
Mum of 3 kids, happy wife and self-confessed gossip queen.
I have a background in media and this is where my love of all things celeb began.
Being a mother myself I understand we don’t always have time to sit down, have a cuppa and catch up on the latest breaking gossip stories – this is where I come in!
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