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Ice Boats – Fun Craft to Get Clean


Ice Boats: Fun Craft to Get Clean

My twins and I were watching Play School and in this episode they did craft. If you are like me I cringe and wait for the barrage of questions and pestering after these craft segments have been on, “Can we do that mummy?” “Please, please, please mummy!”  I thought the idea of making these ice boats were easy, and not much mess so I said “Yes”, to the joy of the girls.

You will see from the pictures the girls had a ball. So how do you make an ice boat? Well, it so easy, just look at the below instructions.

How to Make Ice Boats

1. Get plastic containers, food dye, blu-tack, straws/sticks and you can create flags for your boats if you want to. Our boats did not have flags on them, but you can get really creative and add more personality to your boat.

2. Once you have your container, add some blu-tack to the bottom of it.

3. Add your stick/straw into the tack to make sure it is not going to move. (We did not have straws so found some sticks to double as the sailing mast)

4. Mix the water and colour of choice from the food dye in a mixing jug.

5. Pour coloured water into plastic container.

6. Put in freezer to set, make sure that the freezer has heaps of room so your sail does not snap off.

7. When taking the ice boat out of the container, it is easier to add some hot water around the bottom and edges; this helps the boat to slide out easily.

8. Be prepared for lovely coloured water as the boats melt fast and it does look amazing. Just remember it all washes away and the colour goes away. Perfect if you ask me.

We found it easier to have the kids in bath; they are getting clean while also having fun. Mummy has scored bonus points, you have done craft, kids had fun and you have got them into water to get clean and ready for bed. How clever are you!!! I was very pleased with myself after this was over.

Do you fear the crafty things on kid’s television programs? I think it makes us mums feel we have to be crafty experts, like Martha Stewart types. It is hard with two kids who want to get involved and messy to boot. I am aiming to find more things to help kids get crafty and allow mummy to not have too much mess to tidy at the end of the activity.

Do you have any great craft ideas for kids? 


Suzanne Robinson is an ex career girl (well still a career girl, but not in the office and getting paid). She has worked for the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), News Ltd.’s, as a producer and lots more.

She is a mother to three year old identical twin girls, who keep her very busy. On top of looking after the girls, she is studying for a master’s degree in project management, blogging on her blog “Mummy to Twins”, attempting to keep the house clean and tidy, and trying to fit in some me time as well.




Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.