Boyfriend Invoices Woman for Breakfast She Ate at His Mum’s Place

Boyfriend Invoices Woman for Breakfast She Ate at His Mum’s Place
A woman was left stunned when she received an invoice from her boyfriend asking her to pay $3.23 for eating breakfast at his mum’s place. Surely this man is now an EX boyfriend!
Maddy Blythe, who shares money saving tips on TikTok, says that when she went to visit her boyfriend’s mum she was the perfect house guest. She took wine and gifts and tried to be as accomodating as possible.
“I brought a little gift basket, brought some wine, brought some nice soaps, candles, whatnot,” she explained in her TikTok video.
@maddyblythe It’s okay we’re on to bigger and better now bbs, thank you all for ur concerns and well wishes 😘😘 #storytime #relationship #financetok #moneytok #trauma ♬ I bet Ava saw this – nataliejanesings
She then went on to explain what the visit consisted of and how many meals they ended up sharing with her boyfriend’s mum.
“Me and my boyfriend ended up paying for that dinner because it was a little bit expensive and we wanted to treat his mum,” she says.
“We get home from the trip and a few days later I get an email from my boyfriend that had an Excel document in it.”
Now this in itself is enough to shock anyone but Maddy explained it was a very common occurrence between the two of them. However when she looked at the breakdown of money she owed her boyfriend there was one detail that looked odd.
“I did notice there was one line in the Excel document that I was kind of confused about, and the line just said ‘Breakfast’ for $3.23,” she says.
“So I asked him, ‘hey, what’s this $3.23 for breakfast?’
“And he looks at me deadpan and goes, ‘oh well that’s for the banana and piece of toast that you ate at my mum’s. You ate that so, you know, you owe me and my mum money’.
You can’t make this shit up, you really can’t!
Unbelievably, Maddy goes on to say that she followed through with the ridiculous payment. “I paid for him the banana and toast charge,” she explains.
Commenters were stunned by the story and went on to share their own unbelievable experiences with their exes.
“My ex borrowed my money and when he took me out, he paid for our dinner and counted it as one of the repayments.”
“I was seeing a guy who ligit would eat in front of me and wouldn’t offer me water or food ever when i was at his place.”
“My ex let me get EVERYTHING and when we were out with friends I’d slip my card under the table so it would look like he was paying for us.”
“My ex would regularly take me to eat fast food and then after be like “ok so can u etransfer me $6.14” like sir… u good.”
“My ex asking for half the electric bill after I moved out because our cats that we shared also used electricity.”
So clearly Maddy is not alone with this one. And by the sounds of things he is definitely an EX now. “It’s okay we’re on to bigger and better now bbs, thank you all for ur concerns and well wishes,” she wrote alongside the TikTok video.
Thank G for that!
Images: Tiktok