Mum Shares Hilarious Parenting Fail Involving 6 Year Old and the F Word

Mum Shares Hilarious Parenting Fail Involving 6 Year Old And The F Word
A mum was left stunned recently after catching her daughter copying down the words to her favourite song. Unfortunately the lyrics were NOT child friendly but the kid’s handwriting was fabulous! So there’s a win for mum!
The Aussie mum shared the video to TikTok showing her 6-year-old daughter copying the song lyrics of her favourite song abcdefu by singer GAYLE, which has the F word in the very first line.
“When your 6-year-old starts writing and wants to write every. Single. Thing — including her fave song,” she wrote on the video of her daughter sitting on the floor copying lyrics from an iPad onto a white sheet of paper.
“So what are you writing?” she asks, before zooming in on the iPad.
“Oh, you’re writing the song lyrics. Wow, okay,” she goes on to exclaim. The lyrics mum is talking about read: “F**k you, and your mom, and your sister, and your job.”
@jess.rose92 When your 6 year old starts writing and wants to write every. Single. Thing – including her fave song 🤣😭🙄 #badmum #badmom #kids #swearing #opps ♬ original sound – Jessica Wren
And while the lyrics are NSFW we have to say we admire the kid’s creativity as well as her handwriting. It’s pretty good for a six year old, wouldn’t you say.
Mum goes on to reveal that if the F word wasn’t bad enough, the paper her daughter was using was in fact an important document she needed for TAFE.
“Punchline — I found out this piece of paper was my TAFE homework I have to get signed off by my boss and give back to my teacher,” she says.
Funnily enough, the singer of the song Gayle, came across the TikTok video and apologised to the mum with “Wow, I’m sorry!’
She then duetted with the 6 year old acting like a teacher who was teaching Jessica’s daughter the most important words in the alphabet.
Commenters on mum’s video loved the innocence of it all and told mum ‘to keep up the great job.’
“Probably some of the most important words in her vocabulary. Good girl!” one TikToker commented.
“As a kindergarten teacher, I approve this, what a great way to extend literacy development,” another added.
“She’s writing the motivational quote of the day,” a third wrote.
“Very impressed by her penmanship. Her letters are so neat!” another noted.