Video Reveals What Happens To Used Hotel Soap And Excuse Us While We Vom!

Video Reveals What Happens To Used Hotel Soap And Excuse Us While We Vom!
A video has recently gone viral revealing exactly what happens to the half used soap left behind in hotel rooms. Apologies in advance if you’re eating while reading this!
Shared on TikTok by Science Insider the video shed a light on one of Clean the World’s recycling soap factories, which recycles old soaps from hotels, disinfects them and turns them into new ones.
“Hotels throw out millions of bars of used soap every week,” a Science Insider reporter says in the video. “But they don’t have to go in the trash. The used soap comes from thousands of hotels around the world, adding up to about 1.4 million rooms.”
The used bars are first placed into a machine called a refiner, which grates them and makes sure any dirt or hair are removed from the top layers.
@scienceinsider What happens to the used soap you leave behind after your hotel stay? #Hotels #Recycling #Sustainability ♬ original sound – Science Insider
They are then pushed through a machine that makes them look like long noodles where they are heated and mixed with water. This is where they are disinfected to kill any lurking bacteria. The sanitised soap ‘gloop’ then travels elsewhere where it will be moulded into new bars of soap.
When the video was shared on TikTok last month it had over 22.7 million views and not surprisingly it left many viewers feeling all sorts of ‘ick.’
“Aaaaand I’m bringing my own soap,” one person wrote in the comments section.
“Way simpler to stop using solid soap in hotels and just use the liquid one in sealed dispensers attached to the wall,” someone else added.
“The idea of someone’s pube hairs making it in just rubs me the wrong way,” another noted.
What do you think of the process? Clever or gross?
Images: Tiktok