Woman Approached by Stranger at Supermarket Telling Her She’s Pregnant

Woman Approached by Stranger at Supermarket Telling Her She’s Pregnant
There’s a rule that says you should never ask a woman if she’s pregnant unless you’re there for the delivery, and even then maybe not. So imagine this woman’s surprise at being told by a stranger that she’s pregnant. What makes this even more remarkable is the eerie timing of it all.
While Sydneysider, Lana was shopping for flowers at Woolworths to put on her late son’s grave recently, a woman came out of nowhere and questioned if she was pregnant. Lana shared the encounter on TikTok and begins by recounting what had happened just moments before she started filming.
“I was down the road, down at Woolies and I was getting some flowers to put on my son’s grave,” she says. Lana goes on to explain she lost her son three months ago.
She says, “And this lady comes up to me, she looks me up and down and goes, ‘You’re pregnant’.” Turning side on to the camera she shows her followers that she does not look pregnant at all.
“So you bet that I ran straight to the pregnancy test aisle and got a seven pack of pregnancy tests,” she says.“I’m going to be taking this, right now. I had to run straight home and take one. I still have six days before my period, I am feeling a little bit yuck, but that’s probably due to my thyroid. I reckon it’s negative. It’s got to be negative. For sure. Let’s do this.”
After taking the test and waiting the standard three minutes, she notices the line. “There’s definitely a faint line there,” she says while crying.
In a follow up video, Lana explains exactly why this encounter was freaky. “I am still in disbelief. The fact that the lady at Woolworths got it right. I don’t know her from a bar of soap. A little backstory, she actually came walking up to me while I was looking at flowers. She confronts me and she goes, ‘Hi, I’m sorry to bother you but I’m a psychic medium and I also sense things. I was just wondering, this might sound confronting but, have you taken a pregnancy test lately?'”
Which is when Lana raced off to get a pregnancy test confirming she is in fact expecting. Commenters flooded her video with well wishes for her rainbow baby as well as praising the psychic’s abilities to predict a pregnancy.
“Crying happy tears for you!” one person said.
“Prayers for a safe, healthy pregnancy and a healthy rainbow baby,” another added.
“Whoever that woman is, she knows all the things. Your baby is coming BACK to you. ❤️❤️❤️”
Another added, “That lady was sent to you by your boy. 🥰”
Has this ever happened to you before??
Images: Tiktok @lanaabianca and Pixabay