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12 Outdoor Easter Games That Kids Will Love

Easter is the perfect excuse to get the kids outside, burn off some energy, and, let’s be honest, give yourself a few moments of peace before the sugar rush from all that chocolate kicks in. Whether you’re planning a backyard get-together, a playdate, or just looking for ways to make Easter morning extra special, these outdoor games will do the trick. They’re budget-friendly, easy to set up, and, best of all, fun for a wide age range—because let’s face it, keeping a toddler and a 10-year-old entertained at the same time is no small feat.

Duck, Duck, Bunny!

You know “Duck, Duck, Goose,” right? This is the Easter version. Same rules, except instead of saying “goose,” the runner shouts “bunny!” before taking off. It’s a small twist, but trust me, kids eat it up. Plus, it’s great for social interaction and burning off that boundless kid energy.

Easter Obstacle Course

Set up a backyard course where kids have to crawl under ropes, hop over pool noodles, balance an egg on a spoon, or weave through cones. Make it as simple or complex as you want. The best part is that you can adjust it so toddlers can toddle through while the bigger kids still find it challenging.

Need ideas? Have them:

  • Hop like a bunny
  • Crawl through a cardboard ‘tunnel’
  • Balance an egg on a spoon while walking
  • Spin in a circle five times before running to the finish line (because dizzy kids will never not be funny.) Just be sure to play on a surface that won’t hurt if they fall down!

Outdoor easter games

The Classic Egg and Spoon Race

This one is an oldie but a goldie! Hand each kid a spoon and an egg (plastic, hard-boiled, or even a ping pong ball if you don’t want to deal with the mess) and have them race from one end of the backyard to the other without dropping it. The little ones will probably walk at a snail’s pace, while the older kids try to sprint and inevitably wipe out. Either way, it’s hilarious to watch. Plus, it’s sneaky fine motor skill practice.

Need to make it a bit easier for younger kids? We recommend using a bigger spoon or a plastic egg with playdough inside to make it less wobbly.

Pin the Tail on the Bunny

A classic party game, but Easter-ified. Draw a big bunny on a piece of cardboard, make some fluffy tails out of cotton balls, and blindfold each kid as they take turns trying to stick their tail in the right spot. The results are usually ridiculous and guaranteed to get everyone laughing.

For toddlers, skip the blindfold and just let them stick their tail wherever they want. They’ll think they nailed it.

Egg Roll Race

Each child gets an egg and has to roll it across the yard using a spoon, their hands, or even their nose (depending on age, skill level and the surface you are playing on!) The first one to get theirs across the finish line wins. Watching kids struggle to roll an egg in a straight line? Priceless! My advice is to get some willing grown-ups involved too, then sit back and record the unfolding hilarity on your phone!

outdoor easter games

Bunny Hop Sack Race

Grab some pillowcases, old potato sacks or some canvas bags with handles that they can step into and let them hop their way to the finish line. There’s something about bouncing like a bunny that makes kids giggle uncontrollably, and its infectious! Plus, it burns off some serious energy, which let’s face it is always a bonus, especially if they’ve been chomping their way through a tonne of chocolate!

For the really little ones, you can skip the sacks and just have them hop. Or, if they need a little extra help, let them hold hands with a grown-up or older sibling.

Bunny Ear Ring Toss

If you’ve got an old headband and some cardboard, make some bunny ears and stick them onto a cone, bucket, or even a patient family member’s head. Kids take turns tossing rings (you can use pool noodle pieces, rope, or plastic bracelets) to land them on the bunny ears.

It’s a great hand-eye coordination game and easy to modify for different skill levels.

outdoor easter games

Carrot Toss

Cut out some “carrots” from orange cardboard or use orange bean bags or even some real carrots! Set up a basket and challenge the kids to toss their carrots in. The farther away they stand, the harder it gets.

Great for hand-eye coordination, and you can easily adapt it for different ages—toddlers can stand super close, while the older kids can throw from further away.

Easter Egg Hunt—With a Twist

A regular egg hunt is fun, but let’s be real—it usually turns into a competitive free-for-all where the bigger kids hoard all the eggs while the little ones just wander around looking confused. Instead, assign each child a colour of egg to find. That way, everyone gets a fair shot, and you won’t have any tears over someone grabbing all the good ones! outdoor easter games

The Golden Egg Treasure Hunt

This one takes a little more effort, but it’s totally worth it. Hide one special golden egg somewhere in the yard and give the kids a few riddles or clues to help them find it. You can put a special prize inside—stickers, a small toy, or maybe a little extra chocolate.

For younger kids, keep the clues simple. For older ones, make it more of a challenge by adding multiple steps.

Simon Says: Easter Edition

Same game, just with Easter-themed commands. “Simon says hop like a bunny!” “Simon says flap your wings like a chick!” “Simon says wiggle your nose like a rabbit!”

Little kids love this one, and older kids can get creative by coming up with their own Easter-themed moves.

Feed the Bunny Bean Bag Toss

Grab a big cardboard box, cut out a hole for the bunny’s mouth, and decorate it to look like a giant rabbit. Kids take turns tossing bean bags (or plastic eggs) into the bunny’s mouth. It’s simple, fun, and something they can play over and over.


So there you have it—12 easy, low-cost, and totally fun outdoor Easter games that will keep kids of all ages entertained. The best part? Most of them require zero fancy supplies and minimal prep, which means the whole family can enjoy some stress-free fun­­…even mum!



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Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.

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