Coconut Oil Health and Beauty Tips

Coconut Oil Health and Beauty Tips
Coconut oil works wonders for the body. Not only internally but externally as well. Here are six tips on how to include coconut oil in your daily diet and how to add it to your daily beauty routine.
Six easy ways to add the benefits of coconut oil to your daily diet…
- Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your favourite breakfast smoothie
- Add a tablespoon to buckwheat or quinoa porridge with a drop of stevia
- Use as a spread on your favourite gluten free crackers or bread
- Use coconut oil for your stir fries & curries – works wonderfully with Asian & Indian flavours
- Roast vegetables with coconut oil & sea salt – Delicious!
- Mix coconut oil with raw cacao powder and stevia for a delicious, healthy chocolate topping or dipping sauce
Six great beauty tips for coconut oil.
- Cleanse away the day’s build -up of dirt and pollution by massaging coconut oil into your skin and gently removing the oil that has lifted the dirt away with a damp flannel. Coconut is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, so it is perfect for protecting and enhancing the skin’s natural flora.
- If your locks are looking more like straw than silk, massage coconut oil into damp hair to help strengthen them and add luster. Put your locks up into a shower cap and wrap a warm wet towel around it. Leave for twenty minutes and shampoo as normal.
- Pop your feet into a warm footbath laced with three tablespoons of coconut oil. Add some mixed spice and coconut milk to enrich this rejuvenating foot soak. The lauric acid in coconut oil may assist with fighting fungal infections, and bring balance to your hard working feet.
- Rich in moisturizing fatty acids, coconut oil makes a superb moisturizer, plus you’ll smell delicious too. Massage it into your whole body and don’t forget your décolletage for a balmy evening out – to add a gorgeous glisten to your skin. To enhance the glow add some sparkling mica to your oil mix.
- Babies love to be massaged with coconut oil. Highly moisturizing with both anti-bacterial and protective properties, take some precious time out with your little one and coat them in this nourishing oil.
- Is your skin feeling a little parched and flaky? Add some sea salt to your coconut oil and use it as a scrub for the body. Your skin will feel rejuvenated, soft and glowing within minutes.
For more information on the benefits of coconut oil and coconut oil recipes visit where you’ll also find gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast and sugar-free recipes.
Lee Holmes is a mum on a mission. Supercharged and ready for action. Changing the way we eat, one buckwheat pancake at a time! Lee’s goal is to alter the perception that cooking fresh, wholesome, nutrient-rich meals are difficult, complicated and often time consuming.
Born in the UK, Lee has been based in Sydney for the past 15 years. Rejecting her former qualifications in food and nutrition, she worked for 15 years in high-level positions in the music and television industries but her career came to a screeching halt after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in 2006.
Lee embarked on a journey of self-discovery and her love of food and cooking led her back to her roots where she became a rigorous food and health researcher.
Lee travelled the world discovering foods which could be used as medicine to heal the body at a cellular level. After discovering many nutrient-rich foods and changing her diet, Lee successfully recovered and is now fighting fit. Her mind alive with ideas for new recipes, Lee wanted to share her creations and created
Lee is currently a writer for Miranda Kerr’s Kora Organics Blog a columnist with Wellbeing Magazine and her column “Quick Kitchen” appears in each issue. Her recipe book Supercharged Food is out now through Murdoch Books ($34.99). She has appeared in The Times UK, The Daily Express Newspaper UK, Elle UK, Body and Soul, Good Weekend, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Madison, Cleo, Vogue Magazine, Shop til You Drop, Marie Claire and Take 5 and also features in the AIMA Australasian Integrative Medicine Association journal which targets all integrative medicine doctors nationally.
Supercharged Food is an altruistic website to help people expand their range of healthy food choices and plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, wholesome and nourishing diet. It was created to cater for anyone looking to overhaul their diet and increase their intake of fresh, wholesome and nutrient-rich foods as well as the growing number of people in Australia who suffer from modern-day diseases such as auto immune disorders, Crohns disease, coeliac disease, IBS, ulcerative colitis, candida, and food allergies and intolerances. It is ideal for people any age who are looking to spring clean their diet; have been feeling low in energy, run-down, tired and fatigued; and people with hectic lifestyles including busy mums.
Supercharged Food the book provides classic yet easy-to-prepare yummy recipes which are all gluten-wheat-dairy-yeast and sugar-free. Readers will learn how to make simple yet delicious recipes that heal and nourish, strengthen the immune system at cellular level, and provide optimum wellbeing. And the good news is the recipes are simple enough for anyone to follow and bring to life… even people who use smoke alarms as kitchen timers. Supercharged Food features a weekly diet plan; a shopping list as well as providing tips on how to plan ahead, shop, create, stockpile and maintain a satisfying, wholesome and nourishing diet. There’s information about detoxing, super-foods and which foods should be avoided from your diet too.
Lee Holmes | Supercharged Food
email: [email protected]“>[email protected]