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Simple Skincare



I have two beautiful nieces under the age of four, who have brought absolute joy to our family. My sister’s life however, has transformed dramatically! As a single full time mum, the simple things such as washing her face in the morning have become a luxury, and if she manages more than a quick splash of water then she’s having an extraordinary day!

As a no fuss minimalist, my approach to skincare is quick, easy and affordable, which is perfect for busy mums. Why waste time and money on fancy creams, lotions and serums, when the same results, if not better, can be achieved using foods from your kitchen? Many everyday foods support the skins natural function and result in radiant glowing skin!

All mums (and aunties!) need to maintain optimum health and vitality. The skin is the largest organ of the body so it is essential that what we put on our skin supports its intended function, which is to:

  • Regulate body temperature,
  • Produce vitamin D,
  • Provide a protective barrier from the external environment,
  • Excrete toxins, and
  • Provide feedback to the brain through millions of nerve endings.

Most commercial products are not only toxic if our little ones get hold of them, but actually hinder the skins natural function by changing the composition at a cellular level and affecting normal surface ph. This has both short-term and long-term negative effects on our health.

Mums definitely don’t have time to be anything but 110% fit and healthy. DIY skincare with food is a way to care for your skin by replacing toxic chemicals with the goodness of natural foods.

Below is a simple routine that will leave you not only looking refreshed but feeling amazing too! Enjoy ☺


1 tsp Bicarbonate soda

  • Wet face with a warm face cloth
  • Place bicarb soda in the palm of your hand
  • Add a drop of water to bicarb soda and mix to a smooth paste
  • Massage gently over your face and neck using wet finger tips
  • Wash off with warm water

This is an easy cleanser for all skin types. It will remove excess oil and dirt, gently exfoliate dead skin cells, and rebalance the skins ph. Skin will feel soft and fresh.


1 tsp Runny honey
½ tsp Cinnamon

  • Hold a warm damp face cloth over your face to dampen the skin
  • Mix the cinnamon and honey together in the palm of your hand
  • Thickly smear over your entire face and neck (avoiding the delicate eye area)
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes (if possible!)
  • You may need to hold a tissue to catch any drips
  • To remove, hold a warm damp face cloth over your face to soften the honey
  • Wipe off excess honey using a cotton face pad
  • Gently wash off remaining mixture using your wet face cloth

This mask is antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. The cinnamon increases strength and elasticity of the skin to maintain a glowing youthful complexion.


¼ tsp Coconut oil

  • Melt coconut oil in the palm of your hand
  • Apply to your lips as a luscious balm
  • Pat remainder over your whole face and neck

Once melted, coconut oil goes a long way so you only need a tiny amount. It helps protect the skin from germs due to its natural antifungal properties. Perfect for healing and repair not only for your own skin, but the little ones too, especially nappy rash.


Belinda is a model, nutritionist, lecturer and proud aunty to two beautiful girls. She has used simple DIY skincare for over 20 years and believes true beauty is revealed when we support the natural functions of the body; including the skin as it is the largest organ of the body. Being a no fuss minimalist all her methods are quick, easy and affordable!




Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.