Clinkers Slice Recipe

Clinkers Slice Recipe
I love Clinkers! I can’t get enough of them and they are a staple in the chocolate drawyer at home. Needless to say I have to hide them from the kids and I always play the little game with myself of guessing what colour I will get next. So…. I was totally excited when I found this recipe for Clinkers Slice over at Bake Play Smile by the wonderful Lucy! She has kindly let us share it here but make sure you pop over and check out all her other super yummy recipes!
This recipe is for a Clinkers Slice. If you aren’t sure what Clinkers are, well they are yummy hard pink, green and yellow lollies covered in milk chocolate. The best part of eating Clinkers is guessing what colour you have and then biting into it to see! And of course if you don’t have your favourite colour, then you just keep on eating until you find the one you like!
Thankfully, this is a no-bake slice which means you can make it in the middle of summer and not make your kitchen any hotter than it already is!