Making & Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

Making & Keeping New Year’s Resolutions
New Years Resolutions. Everyone’s made one. Or two. Okay, or maybe like five. But I have a question, did you keep it? Or, at the end of the year do you even remember what it was you resolved to do? Did you achieve it or, like the majority of people, completely forget about it and then feel majorly guilty for not following through on the promise you made yourself?
Only to make yet another New Years Resolution.
In my {not so professional} opinion, I think resolving to do something then giving yourself a whole year to do it is a bit farfetched. You get all excited and overachieve for the first month, give yourself a break for the next five months then suddenly remember what you wanted to do around…September…then couldn’t be bothered.
To really achieve something, I think it needs to be broken down into little goals. Take weight loss, the biggest resolution most people will make, for example. Say you want to lose 20kgs in the year. Seems like a big feat, right? Sure. But break it down. That’s 10kgs in six months. Then down to 5kgs in three months. That sounds way more achievable. Broken down further, that’s only approx. 400g of weight loss a week! So make smaller goals. Set a loss of 5kgs for three months. Do that four times and your Christmas wish list will be a whole new wardrobe!
Do you want to save? Do the same with money! Save $40 a week and at the end of year you’ll have over $2000. Anyone say Christmas Cruise?
Make smaller goals. Reassess. And keep them visible. Write on your bathroom mirror with white board pens (it washes off with glass cleaner) so you get a daily reminder when you brush your teeth. Keep your goals in the front of your mind.
My resolutions for 2014? To work more on my writing. Maybe write 400 words a week for the aim of a book (or a lot of blog posts) by the end of the year. I’m breaking down our goals and writing them in my diary. And on the fridge. And in the bathroom. Get the picture?
I also want to finish my Cookbook Challenge (if you’re interested you can read more about it at, print a picture book for this year. And learn a bit more about Photography. And cooking in my Thermomix. So I have a…ahem…bit of work to do.
What are your New Years Resolutions and how are you going to keep them in 2014?
I’m Daneyl, I’m a wife, mother, blogger and opera singer (but only when I’m in the shower). You can find me in the kitchen, at the piano or on Instagram (@thestrandsofme). I love chocolate, reading and learning how to be a parent to my two gorgeous cherubs. Check out my blog at