Mini-Family-Makeover: Week One

Welcome to Week 01 of the Mini-Family-Makeover, brought to you by Mums Lounge and Parent Wellbeing.
We all know that raising kids is demanding. That’s for sure.
But it still amazes me how many parents feel like they are the only ones experiencing what are very common problems.
I don’t think there is a parent on the planet who hasn’t been challenged in some way by:
Our darling little cherubs refusing to sleep Fussy, picky, unpredictable eating
Tantrums…and more tantrums
Toileting…if only it happened instantly by osmosis(!)
Defiance – NO! I don’t want to ___ (insert whatever it is you want them to do)
But underlying these specific issues, there seem to be bigger concerns. These are the Top 5 problems I’ve seen amongst the parents I work with:
Parents top 5 problems
1. Time pressures
There never seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything we are supposed/would like to do.
2. Guilt
We either feel guilty about something we didn’t do (the washing is still piling up) or something we did do (yelled at the kids after asking for the thousandth time for them to pick up their toys).
3. Scrutiny from the media and community
Every week, there is a story in the media about what we ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t be doing when raising our kids. And then there are the comments from family, friends and even strangers in the street…
4. Information overload
All that conflicting information! Teach your baby to sleep/Don’t teach your baby to sleep; Attachment parenting/No attachment parenting; Time out/No time out…and the list goes on…
5. Lack of confidence
This is the deeper, underlying issue I see amongst too many parents. We second guess ourselves, worry about whether we are getting it right, and compare ourselves to others.
But raising kids is not all doom and gloom. There are also amazing moments! We’ve all experienced deep love, pride, admiration, adoration and more.
These are the top 5 wishes I see amongst parents:
Parents top 5 wishes
1. A loving home life
We all want to enjoy the best of family life, and experience deep, loving relationships with those people we love the most
2. Strong relationship with our partner
If we’re in a relationship, we want to feel connected to our partner, and raise our kids together.
3. A supportive community of family and friends
It does take a village…
4. Time for ourselves
We all would like a bit of down-time to do something just for us so we can enjoy and recharge.
5. A healthy lifestyle
Eating well, exercising, loving life. That’s what we want.
This is our starting point. As parents, we all face common problems, but we also share common aspirations.
So let’s lay it all out there. Let’s be open about:
1. What issue is troubling you right now?
2. What would improve your family life right now?
Tell us below.
Next week, we’re going to look at the 3 things your kids really need from you. If you remember these three things, life for you and your family will improve instantly!
Until next week! Jodie.
Jodie is the creator of the Parent Manifesto online parenting program, and the author of four parenting books including the highly acclaimed Full Belly: Comfort and inspiration for pregnancy and birth, Little Bundle: Comfort and inspiration for new parents, and The Parent Manifesto: How to create a parenting approach that’s perfect for your family.
She has been featured on national TV, newspapers Australia wide, on ABC and commercial radio, and in all the top parenting magazines, and is a regular on The Morning Show on Channel 7.
She is Affiliate Lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide, and is Editorial Advisor for Family Fun Magazine. She is also mum to two young children.
Unlike many parenting ‘experts’, Jodie doesn’t try to show you the ‘right way’ to raise your kids. Instead, she believes in a few key principles that can be easily adapted to each family, to create the approach that’s right for you.