Queenslanders: Being Prepared for the Floods

The other day I did my rain dance (hung nappies on the line) and asked Mother Nature for a little rain. I think she’s overestimated what I asked for…
We celebrated a very wet Australia Day this year, with flooded roads and power outages. And from what I hear, there’s more rain yet to come. So if you, like me, live in a flood prone area make sure you’re prepared.
Have an emergency kit stocked up and somewhere easily accessible. Make sure you’ve got candles (and a lighter!), a torch and spare batteries, UHT milk, canned food, first aid kid, toilet paper, formula and bottles, a portable radio, your mobile charger and bottled water – all in a sealed box. If you’re house is in the path of strong winds or a cyclone make sure you check out the Queensland Emergency website and follow the checklist to make sure your house is prepared.
Living in Central Queensland the roads out here often get submerged in flood waters, isolating the towns. Do not under any circumstances drive into flood waters. It is incredibly dangerous and incredibly stupid. Just don’t do it. If you find yourself trapped by flood waters, call the SES on 132 500.
Tune into your local radio station, they’ll air any updates as soon as they’re released. And your Wifi might get knocked out anyway.
Keep prepared and stay safe this wet season Queenslanders.
I’m Daneyl, I’m a blogger, wife, mother and opera singer (but only when I’m in the shower). I’m the most relaxed when I’m being creative, cooking, reading and writing. I love being a stay at Mum and learning how to be a parent to my two gorgeous cherubs. Check out my little blog at www.thestrandsofme.com