The Empowered Mum

Every thought we have tells the universe what we think about life, about ourselves and about others.
Empowerment is something we can all choose at any moment. It’s a feeling that comes from deep inside, a knowing that we can be, do or have anything we want. Yet as a mother, this feeling can be elusive as we battle the daily routines and watch our world get smaller. Once we have little beings to look after many of the dreams we had disappeared as what we believed possible diminishes and our confidence drops.
Before becoming a mum I worked in the corporate world, earned good money and was good at my job. Then children came and I stopped all of that to focus my attention on my babies. I lost touch with old workmates and developed new and wonderful friendships with other mums. We had a great time visiting parks, swimming lessons and watching our children learn to walk.
It was what happened inside of me that surprised me. I love being a mum but I could also feel the pull of wanting to do ‘something’. I wasn’t sure what it was, but knew I wanted to feel like I was engaging my brain again. The conflict between wanting to be a great mother and wanting something for me left me feeling unsure and disempowered.
As I embarked upon the journey of self-discovery I came to understand a few truths. I could see that the limits in my world were clearly created in my mind. The beliefs I had about motherhood and who I was kept me exactly where (deep down) I believed I should be. The way out of this fog has been to change my thoughts. For you see, every single thought you have has energy. It sends a signal out to the universe and is then translated into experiences that match our thoughts.
The Empowered Mum is one who understands this, who chooses thoughts that make her feel good and helps her believe in herself. There will be challenges along the way, especially as our children grow into teenagers with a mind of their own. Changing my thoughts has totally turned around my world. I am happier, feel more freedom, am excited about the future and feel empowered.
No matter what you are doing in life you always have a choice as to how you will think….no-one can take that away from you. You have more power than you can possibly comprehend. Think happy, healthy, confident thoughts and you shall see the results in wonderful and magical ways.
Margit Cruice is an author, coach, motivational speaker and energy worker based in Noosa, Qld. Her latest book “They’re off to school, now what?: A mother’s guide to rediscovering herself” hits the Amazon shelves late September.
Running an international coaching business, managing a Rock music program for children and being a single mother to 3 children aged 13, 11 and 9, she is a high energy, passionate woman. She knows that every woman in the world deserves to love herself and understand how hard this can be. Through her coaching and healing she helps people break down their self imposed barriers and follow their heart.
You can learn more about Margit at or