The Fiver Party Is the Latest Trend in Kid’s Birthday Parties and Frankly, It’s the Best Thing Ever

The Fiver Party Is the Latest Trend in Kid’s Birthday Parties and Frankly, It’s the Best Thing Ever
The latest trend in children’s birthday parties has arrived and it has to be one of the most brilliant things ever.
It has nothing to do with a theme, location, party games or decorations. The Fiver Party doesn’t even require anything of the hosts, rather than simply making a note on the invitation that it is, in fact, a Fiver Party!
So what is a Fiver Party?
It’s a party where you ask your child’s guests to include a $5 note in their birthday card in lieu of a gift. Then the child can use the money received to choose a bigger, more personalised gift instead of receiving lots of cheaper, more generically-appealing toys.
And how bloody fantastic does that sound, fellow mums?
All you’d need to put on the invitation is “Please don’t bring a present, just stick a fiver in a card and we’ll put it towards little Johnny’s bike and present it to him at the party and say it’s from all of his friends and family” or something similar.
The idea has been met with some hesitation at having to ask people for money. Which, granted, usually is not very polite. But for a kid’s party? A kid from your child’s class who you don’t really know? Shove that fiver in a card and let’s go! Too easy!
It’s even been suggested that another parent could be the one to do a whip around and collect the money before the event, and maybe even purchase one big present from the group to be given to the child at the party. This is a nice idea if they are a close group of friends.
The Fiver Party sounds like it would help a lot financially, especially when there seems to be a birthday party almost every weekend sometimes. Those $20-25 presents start to add up.
And it can be so difficult to find a gift that some random kid in your child’s class might like. What do 10-year-old boys really want, anyway? We usually end up taping a $20 note to a block of chocolate and being done with it! (That’s still a pretty awesome present though, let’s make that clear! Kids LOVE it!)
What do you think of the idea? Will you hold a Fiver Party for your child this year?