Traditions – And a Delicious Rum Ball Recipe

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I love family traditions. It’s what brings people together. Being able to rely on a constant; that no matter what goes on in life, sometimes there’s just one thing that won’t change. A tradition.
In my family, we have a few Christmas traditions that have to be upheld. The Christmas Tree isn’t allowed to be up until after the 6th of Dec, my sister’s birthday. My Aunty Lyn always makes her smashing Christmas Cakes and Plum Puddings, which then have to be eaten with Brandy Custard. Actually, I’m pretty sure everything gets covered in Brandy Custard. Dad and my sister Stepf always hog the prawns at Christmas Day lunch. My youngest sister Amy gets up before everyone else and upholds her OCD habits by sorting out everyone’s presents under the tree into little piles. Then we’d compare how big each person’s pile is. When we were kids.
Maybe we still do….
And for the whole month of December, my favourite tradition, Mum and I would make Rum Balls.
It’s not Christmas without Rum Balls. Seriously, there’d be something wrong. We’ve been through a few recipes trying to get the perfect ones. For years we made them from a low-fat recipe Mum cut out of a Womans Day mag that used Weet-Bix (not Vita-Britz, yes, there is a difference) until Hubby declared he thought they were dry. So back to the drawing board I went.
Now, after much practice and taste testing (and a few bottles of rum later….) we’ve perfected it. It may not be as low fat, but they’re simple, tasty and oh so moreish (is so a word)
To make them you’ll need:
1 Double Un-Iced Sponge (I just use a store bought one)
¼ Cup of Cocoa
¼ Cup coconut
1 Tbsp Rum (sometimes we add a little more, you know, for the Christmas spirit and all…)
½ Tin Condensed Milk
Blitz the cake in a food processor until it looks like breadcrumbs. Tip it into a bowl then add the cocoa, rum and condensed milk, ensuring it’s mixed in well. Roll into little balls and roll again in the coconut. Refrigerate for an hour before serving so it sets.
See, simple!
I briefly contemplated making some just so I could take a photo for you, but then I’d have to eat them and that would be going against the ‘got-to-fit-into-the-bridesmaids-dress’ diet I’ve got going on. But come Christmas time, look out Rum Balls!!
I’m Daneyl, I’m a blogger, wife, mother and opera singer (but only when I’m in the shower). I’m the most relaxed when I’m being creative, cooking, reading and writing. I’m loving being a stay at Mum and learning how to be
a parent to my two gorgeous cherubs. Check out my little blog at