What are your children doing this Father’s Day?

1st of September 2013 marks Father’s Day this year. It is however a time when some children won’t have the opportunity to spend time with their dad. This could be for a number of reasons but no matter the reason, I think it is important to acknowledge that this inability to spend time together will affect not only dad but also the children.
So here are some options if your children cannot spend time with their dad on Father’s day:
• Allow them to call him or even better use services such as skype or facetime? The ability to speak to their dad will do them the world of good; it will also help your relationship with your children and your co-parenting relationship with their dad (if you are separated).
• Email
In this day and age technology enables us to communicate in an instant. There are many services available to send e cards, photos, vouchers etc. Don’t forget though that sometimes a simple email is all that is needed.
• Post a card
It might now be known as snail mail but this will be a great surprise for their dad when he receives it. As you would know, sometimes it is the simplest of actions that remind us how much our children love us that make being a parent the best job in the world.
If your children are able to spend time with their dad – think about helping them to make a card or take them to choose one to give him. These little actions speak volumes to your children. They help them to know that you are supportive of their relationship with their dad and this means so much to them. It might be hard for you if you are no longer in a relationship with their dad, but always remember that you are doing this for your children not for your ex (plus, wouldn’t it be a nice surprise if you received a surprise gift or card from your children on Mother’s day, that their dad helped with?).
If your children’s father is no longer involved in their life – remind them on this day that they are still so very much loved. Our children don’t remember us for what we buy or give to them but for how we loved them and that is the most important thing.
This article remains the property of Our Children Australia and can only provide basic information only and is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. This information can not be relied on as a substitute of legal information and it is only general by nature. This information was generally correct at the time of writing but changes in legislation or procedure may change the accuracy of this article.
Lorrie Brook is a family lawyer and owner of www.ourchildren.com.au, Australia’s first website offering tools to help separated parents keep better records, communicate more effectively and avoid unnecessary legal action and conflict.
Lorrie is passionate about protecting children throughout separation and ensuring they are not used as’messengers’ between their parents. She is also the proud mum of her baby girl Tehya.