Father of Two Makes Shock Confession to a Stranger in a Sauna Leaving TikToker Stunned!

A TikToker that goes by the name of @pink_stars_aligned recently shared an experience she whilst in a sauna. Admitting that she’s usually not comfortable with chatting with strangers when she’s sitting alone in a sauna in her swimwear, she nevertheless had a conversation with a man that left her gobsmacked.
Initially, when the man started talking about his Audi and having to go on a business trip she assumed that he was trying to big-note himself and found the conversation ‘boring.’ But things quickly took a turn that left her invested in the unfolding story – which he admitted he was keeping secret from his wife.
Having noticed an issue with his car, the man had arranged to drop the car at the Audi garage and then take a taxi to the airport.
“Then my wife says can you take the kids to the childminder on the way to dropping your car at Audi,” the man explained. He agreed and on the morning of the business trip strapped his two young children into their car seats and set off on his day.
On reaching the Audi garage he explains the issue and says there’s no rush to fix it as he’s away for the week, but it would be great if he could pick it up on his way home from the airport. He hands over his keys and catches an Uber to the airport as planned.
“He has a coffee in the airport…,” @pink_star_aligned explains. “He has his breakfast in the airport…he get called to the gate at the airport and he says he’s literally going up the stairs to his plane when the Audi garage ring him.”
“So he answers it and the receptionist says ‘hey you dropped your Audi off with us a couple of hours ago, so….are you coming back today?’
About to board his flight the man once again explains that he’s going on a week-long business trip and will pick his car up next week, so they can take their time fixing the issue.
The receptionist once again asks if he’s coming back today. To which he tells her no.
“Well,” the receptionist continues, “we’ve just been to get your car to take it into the garage to have a look at it and there’s two kids in the back!”
@pink_stars_aligned Storytime…#storytime #whatwouldyoudo ♬ original sound – All of the stars
That’s right! He’d forgotten to stop off at the childminder’s on the way to the garage!
“So he tells me he’s going up the stairs of the plane on the phone to Audi, they’re saying his kids are in the back of the car and he’s about to get on the plane and he’s getting ushered up the stairs by the stewardesses.
So, what did he do? Did he abandon all plans to board the flight and make a mercy dash back to the Audi dealership to retrieve his possibly frightened and confused children? No, he asked the receptionist to hold one moment while he added the childminder to the conference call and asked them to sort it out between them so he could carry on with his day!
The childminder ended up having to drive an hour to go and get his little darlings for him, and he paid her some extra hush money not to tell his wife about what had happened!
“I was a bit mortified,” the TikToker says wide-eyed. “I’ve not got kids and I was appalled. When I’ve heard people in the past say that men call looking after their own kids babysitting I think now I understand. Men don’t always see the kids as their thing to f%$ing look after!”
Reactions to her video were mixed with some people thinking it was hilarious, and other pointing out that it could have ended in tragedy if the car hadn’t been checked for an extended period.
“He didn’t troubleshoot or problem solve there,” one user commented. “He flat out passed the responsibility onto someone else. I’d be livid if that were my husband.”
“Them kids as adults sat round the dinner table at Christmas time will 100% say Remember when dad left us in the car at the garage whilst he went off on a plane,” commented another.
“As a childminder I’d take the £50 for fuel costs, pick the kids up and then ring the wife to alert her of the situation reassure her I’m getting the kids and then document everything…” said another.
What do you think? Did he do well to sort out the situation under pressure, or was he irresponsible and selfish?