Could you be missing out on receiving an average $1700 back each year?

Most Australian families do not know they may be entitled to an average $1700 cash back every year… without having to do any hard work!
The news that people are paying a commission or ‘trail’ on most of their loan, insurance, investment and superannuation products usually comes as a surprise. But the best surprise of all is that they can do something about claiming it back, putting it into their pocket rather than someone elses!
There are companies out there who can help you get back the fees and commissions you unknowingly pay on your superannuation, investment, home loans, insurance and more … and now there is another tool to help you work out what you may be eligible for.
The new FREE e-book “Money for Jam” is designed to give you an understanding of what you may be entitled to. The easy calculators help assess your potential annual cash-back.
Over the past six years, one of these companies YourShare, has helped thousands of Australians to claim their share of over $1million each year ….in one month alone, YourShare sent $237,000 worth of cheques back to customers!
“Money for Jam” is a free download available from the YourShare website. It includes calculations sheets and examples of real life situations where customers have received cash back and saved hundreds and thousands of dollars during the life of their product.
It costs nothing to explore what you may be eligible to receive either by downloading “Money for Jam” or by using the online calculators that are on a most of these commission rebate company websites. Generally there are no upfront charges for their service, instead they will simply split the amount they collect 50/50 on all products until it has earned a determined fee level*. The rest is 100% rebated to customers.
In most cases it has been found that the average Australian family could be collecting around $1700+ every year. Singles or young couples could receive around $750+ each year. Empty nesters or retirees could receive over $3000 each year. Not a bad return for completing a form! Imagine each year receiving a cheque for doing nothing… you could book that holiday or purchase that new item … or pay off a credit card. It would certainly help the family budget!
YourShare has won the “Best of the Best” award from Money magazine four years in a row. Once registered, YourShare will be in contact. It’s that simple. then does the rest!
Go to or call 1300 554 774 for more information.
* YourShare refunds 50% of the commissions collected until your refund amounts to $295, then refund 100% of the commissions above that amount EVERY YEAR. So, the most YourShare will retain is $295.