Do Your Good Intentions Seem Thwarted?

I see it happen all of the time. A person has a great idea. They get super motivated and excited about starting a new exercise regime or healthy food plan. They plan out every fine detail, stock up on new foods or take out a gym membership and then either before they get to start or within the first week or so, something happens… An injury, illness or disease strike! ‘It’s not fair’ they cry. Isn’t it? Well why did you create this scenario for yourself?
Let’s go back to basics here, we need to understand that we create every little detail and event in our lives. While it may seem easier to blame something, someone or even just life in general, that will only get you nowhere and potentially cause the symptom to keep reoccurring. Initially it is tough to take responsibility for things that happen in our lives, it is not common practice in society (though it would be a much nicer place if it was!). Realizing that the only person standing in your way is You, is the only way to move forward.
Our bodies constantly have messages for us. Injuries, illness and disease come up when we don’t listen to our body. If we ignore the little voice inside, like a small child, it gets frustrated and finds other ways to capture our attention. Every time I stub my toe or accidentally cut myself, there is an emotional reason as to why. I have learnt to recognize it as a wakeup call and remember what I was thinking right before it happened. Without fail I always find that I was off on a negative path.
As injuries generally occur as events, it is easy to take one second to remember what thoughts were running through our minds right before it happened, or recognize any significant stress in life at the time. Discovering a disease like cancer may require more work. As it has been eating away at the body for some time, a deeper search may be required to discern when and what the initial emotion or belief was that became internalized in this way. Being in tune with your body makes it easier to find answers but having help is often the best way. Kinesiology is a great way to ask the body exactly what is wrong, it allows you to discover answers and heal. Journey work is also great as you can enter your subconscious and do internal healing work also. As long as you are able to release the cause, learn from it and replace it with something that is congruent with your life in the now.
If an injury or illness does pop up when you begin new plans, do not get discouraged, it is not to run you off course, it is a sign that something needs to be resolved and healed and this healing is something to be grateful for. A wonderful book to read is Louise Hay’s You can heal your life. She explains in detail the emotions that are behind certain injuries, illnesses and disease. It is a great tool to use to learn to love yourself and loving yourself is key to achieving the health and fitness you desire.
Described as the poster girl for positive affirmations by one of her clients, health and fitness coach Lauren Chandler is a shining and leading light in the health, fitness and sports industry, showing others how to live life’s adventure. Lauren, an athlete and author, now focuses on the emotions and thought patterns that stop us from achieving the health and fitness or sporting achievements we desire and how to create new beliefs that are in alignment with our goals. In her desire to spread her message of health and fitness to greater communities, Lauren writes for magazines and has been a regular presenter online and on-air.
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