5 Reasons Why Women Should Attend This Landmark Event

On March 24th Sue Davey will be hosting the First Annual International Conscious Women’s event in partnership with the charity UN Women. The focus of this free event open to women everywhere is to provide both the tools and the mentoring to empower women to increase their self-awareness and their potential.
As a woman I have wrestled with many of the themes that women across the globe also face. In fact, In August of 2014 I conducted a study of more than 6000 women to identify the challenges that women today face.
Here are the top five concerns expressed by participants in this online study.
- Women have difficulty balancing work/life/family commitments,
- Women are exhausted and overwhelmed in trying to please others around them
- Women carry fear of failure, lack of self worth, feeling of not good enough, feel disempowered and lack confidence
- Women fear disappointing family and friends
- Women want to do meaningful work and accomplish something significant in this world.
The International Conscious Women conference is designed to address all of these issues. Specifically we will have sessions on the following key issues.
Why mindset is the key to success. The values of self-belief and self-confidence and how to develop it.
How to connect with your authentic self, and be the person you are meant to be, not the person the world has told you to be.
How to identify your passion, so you live and breathe it and use it to develop your potential and fulfill your dreams
How to live with integrity and how spiritual growth will lead to personal development and success.
How to work in partnership with others in harmony and peace. How collaboration and teamwork enhance success.
As well as presentations there will be mentoring opportunities with an amazing cast of very successful and well-known women. Women thought leaders are contacting me all the time to offer their skills and expertise for this event but at the time of the writing here is the lineup of presenters.
All-Star Lineup
An all-star cast of successful women coaches, authors, business professionals and thought leaders will present at the event. These include Sharon Lechter, author of Think and Grow Rich for Women, Mary Morrissey, Founder of Life Mastery Institute, Yolanda Vega, Executive Chair of Australian Women Chamber of Commerce, Marci Shimoff number 1 New York Times best-selling author, Marcia Wieder Founder of Dream University, Lisa Messenger, founder and editor-in-chief of The Collective magazine.
Other star contributors include a group of highly successful entrepreneurs Peggy McColl, Sandy Foster, Allison Maslan, Debra Poneman, Marissa Levin, Peace Mitchell, Susanne Ridolfi, Deanna L. Robinson, Laurel Geise, Brenda McIntyre, Christal Hughes, Svetlana Kim, Shar Moore, Lynn Serafinn, Sue Frederick, Kelly McNelis, Mandi Gunsberger, Lynette L Palmen AM, and the event host and founder Sue Davey.
UN Women Partnership
The event is also being held in partnership with the charity UN Women and 100 percentage of the profits from the sale of audio and written transcripts, which are available after the event, will go directly to the charity whose goal is to aid disadvantaged women across the globe.
We welcome women everywhere to participate in this landmark event. It is an opportunity to learn and share, as well empower yourself and others.
To find out more and to register please go to www.internationalconsciouswomen.com.
I strongly believe that together we will make a bigger impact in the world we live in now and for the future generations.
By Sue Davey CEO & Founder of Brainy Child Education & Mastermind Success Coaching International, Author, Speaker, Philanthropist, Columnist, Entrepreneur and Mother from Melbourne, Her new book Reboot Your Mind will be released soon.