Safe T Bands GIVEAWAY – Peace of Mind for TEN Lucky Parents

As a mother of two tiddlers, Woo (5) and Foghorn (3), and one toddler, Bubble (23 months), I am only too familiar with the fact that it is nothing short of impossible to keep my two eyes on all three of them at the same time.
On our recent trip to Queensland we spent the majority of our time visiting theme parks and other areas of interest i.e. Movie World, Sea World, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary etc. All fabulous places in their own way, with oodles of things to keep the children entertained. But although they were all very different the one thing that they all had in common was the fact that they made my children highly excited and liable to dart off the moment something interesting that caught their eye. And they were all very busy.
Unfortunately, as much as I think it would be beneficial sometimes, I do not have eyes in my elbows, or as I like to tell my kids, in the back of my head!
Let’s face it, it only takes a few moments of inattention while you fish your mobile out of your bag, or take your eyes off them to strap the baby safely into the pram, and they can be easily lost, swept along by the crowd.
If you have ever, even for a few seconds lost sight of your child in a public place you will know that the overwhelming panic that takes over you is awful. It can also be a very terrifying ordeal for a child who finds themselves in this predicament.
This is why I am very pleased to be able to giveaway a Safe T Band to ten lucky readers!!!
What is a Safe T Band?
The Safe T Band is a waterproof silicone band which fits securely to your child’s wrist, and is engraved with the free call 1800 IM LOST phone number plus the child’s unique ID number.
Any relevant medical information that should be known in the event of an emergency is stored securely on the Safe T Band server, along with five personal contact numbers. This means that in the event your child is lost, any person that finds them can call the Safe T Band free phone number, follow prompts to enter the five digit identification number on the band. The caller is then diverted to the the registered phone numbers until a human response is received. In the unlikely event that all five contacts are unavailable an SMS will be sent to all five contacts containing the caller’s phone number, who can then be contacted directly.
Also, should the child be ill or in an accident, the child’s finder or emergency services can contact Safe T Band using the same process as above to retrieve important medical information, allowing emergency services to make informed decisions regarding possible treatment for your child.
The Safe T Band, priced at a very affordable $49.95 for a one year subscription represents priceless peace of mind for less than $1 a week.
What a fantastic gift to give a parent or child (that has everything) this Christmas!!!
To purchase one click here.
For three weeks only they are available at the special price of just $29.95 (12 month subscription). All you have to do is LIKE their FACEBOOK PAGE!
Safe T Band Giveaway x 10
Entries close Sunday 6th November 2011, at midnight ADST. The winners will be drawn using and announced on Monday 7th November 2011. Any prize that is not claimed within 7 days will be a redrawn. Only Australian residents may enter.
For your chance to win one of ten Safe T Bands with 12 months subscription follow the steps below:
1 Leave a comment below telling me what public setting or circumstance you would wish your child to be wearing one of these bands i.e. beach, concert, staying at grandparents, school camp etc.
2 For additional entries you can share this page on Facebook or Twitter. Remember to include the page URL and tag @Jolene’s Mumbo Jumbo (Facebook) or @jolenejolene9 (Twitter) in your status or tweet. Then comment below again and let me know that you have shared. Each share is worth 1 extra entry.
3. ` Don’t forget to leave your first and second name in your comment so we can locate your email address in the Mums lounge members database.
Good luck and Stay Safe! x