Sick Days

It’s funny what you take for granted when you work a ‘paid’ job, as opposed to working as a Stay At Home Mum. Little things, like being able to go to the toilet without an audience, bribing someone to eat their lunch, having a cuppa while it’s still hot and sick days.
How I miss sick days. They seem like such a luxury now. Yes, I’ve got a cold. It’s terrible. It’s worse than the man flu (but don’t tell Hubby, who thinks he’s caught it now too). I feel like someone put me through the spin cycle and hung me out to dry. In the shade. It’s taking aaaaaages to dry…
I long for a sick day. Just one day where I can lay on the couch and not have to change any poo’y nappies or wipe a snotty nose, other than my own. I want to watch terrible day time TV and a rom-com, stuffing my face with chocolate (someone proved it’s good for you. That’s all that matters) and my old Nan’s favourite medicine, Lemonade, and then…the mother of all longings…have a nap!
But, it’s not to happen. Sick days aren’t written into the Motherhood contract. And unfortunately, my two little ones are sick too, so I’m on overtime. The AppleTV has become my best friend. Noah has watched so many movies lately, I’ve forgotten which ones we’ve already seen. And he’s having day sleeps. Everyday. That’s when I definitely know he’s sick.
And while my head is clogged and my ears are blocked, it doesn’t keep the sound of Missy out, as she toddles around my feet with her arms outstretched. She’s gone from my Little Miss Sunshine to a joey Kangaroo, hanging off me 24/7. And while I’m completely and utterly exhausted, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I realised this week that I still get my sick days. Instead of going out to playgroup we’re cuddling and snivelling together. I don’t feel any Mummy Guilt at all if Noah watches Mickey Mouse for the 100th time that morning, because I know his little body needs to rest and recover. And while Phoenix has latched herself onto me for over a week now, I keep in mind that one day she’ll be 15 and roll her eyes at the mention of a hug. I’m savouring it.
Oh, and best of all. I don’t have to get up and go out to work tomorrow.
Now, if only I could figure out how to sneak off to the loo by myself, life would be complete…
I’m Daneyl, I’m a blogger, wife, mother and opera singer (but only when I’m in the shower). I’m the most relaxed when I’m being creative, cooking, reading and writing. I love being a stay at Mum and learning how to be a parent to my two gorgeous cherubs. Check out my little blog at