Ten Tips For Feeling Fabulous This Summer

Ten Tips for Feeling Fabulous This Summer
Summer is HERE! And so is the summer weather, so it’s time to start feeling all ‘Summery’! This summer will be your healthiest and fittest ever right?! Check out some of these ideas to get you on the right track.
1. Keep it FRESH
Choose fresh veggies, fruit, protein etc as often as possible. Get rid of the processed crap. With summer coming, having BBQs are SO easy. Pop some fish, prawns, chicken, pork on the BBQ, with your favourite home made marinade or seasoning, wip up a fresh and healthy salad – rocket, spinach, corn, grated carrot, beetroot, walnuts, seeds, sugar snap peas, avocado, quiona (or some roast sweet potato) and you have a delicious and SUPER healthy dinner! Make a bigger salad and have left overs for lunch the next day
2. Make a LIST
Grab and pen and paper (or type it into your iphone/ipad!), and write a list of all the FUN things you want to do this summer. Great for date days/nights, family days or pamper days for yourself. What about Stand up paddle boarding, kite surfing, taking the kids to a new park, or to the zoo, make a veggie or herb garden. Once you have done these things, be sure to tick them off!
3. Stay hydrated
Make sure you stay hydrated over the summer. On hotter days, you should be drinking between 2-3L of water a day!
4. Be a kid for a day
On the next really HOT day, go down to the beach and build sandcastles, or put the hose or sprinkler on in the back yard and just be silly. Laugh, have fun, let your hair down!
5. Think about incidental exercise
Think about all the possible incidental exercise you could do in a day – walk instead of drive, take the stairs instead of the lift, walk up the elevator, rather than just standing there, park further from the shops, if you have stairs in your house, set yourself a challenge to go up and down them a certain number of times a day, building on it each day.
6. Set yourself some target and goals each week & get motivated
Nutrition related and fitness related – think about the foods you will put in your mouth and what exercise you will do each week – get motivated! Try new recipes, try new exercise – ride instead of run, swim instead of ride!
7. Try new foods or some new healthy recipes
Why not try making some new healthy recipes from scratch? If you want some treat foods, what about healthy muffins, or freeze some fruit for a hot day – strawberries, grapes, bananas (add a paddle pop stick) and watermelon are great! Another great idea is juicing some veggies and fruit and freeze them in icy pole containers – healthy treat for you and the kids on a hot day!
8. Get some YOU time
Christmas & new year is a very busy time over the summer, so make sure you make some time for yourself. Massage, manicure, pedicure, sit in the sun reading a book for 30mins while the kids sleep, get a babysitter and go out on a date night, or out for a girls night!
9. Use Lavender to keep the mosquitoes away
Rather than using the traditional aeroguard or rid to keep the mosies away, try adding a few drops of lavender oil to a base oil like Jojoba or Sweet Almond Oil and rub that on your skin instead!
10. Don’t forget to be sun smart
Getting your daily dose of Vitamin D is important, but just remember to be sun smart, especially in the middle of the day!
Amanda is a mum to 2 year old Chelsea, a Personal Trainer and owns her own Women’s Only Outdoor Fitness Business, Blue Sky Health & Fitness, based in Melbourne. Blue Sky Fitness offers Women of all ages, sizes and abilities a supportive & friendly environment in which to get fit, get healthy & be happy (but it’s also challenging!) For more information on Blue Sky Health & Fitness classes, please visit www.blueskyfitness.com.au
Amanda has recently launched Mummy Bootcamp @ Home, to help women (mums in particular) lose weight, tone up & feel great about themselves. For more information on the 28 Day Body & Mind Transformation Bootcamp visit www.mummybootcampathome.com.au