The Secret to Weight Loss

Sometimes it’s difficult to standby and listen to people discussing the latest fad diets they are on without wanting to butt in and give them my opinion. But this year I’m going to do just that and hope some of you out there take notice.
If you have decided that you will start the new year off on a “weight loss” diet then please read the rest of this article before you commit to paying out lots of dollars for food, meal replacements, magical diet pills etc.
When someone is in the middle of a “crazy diet” and are dropping the kilos they become very defensive if you suggest that what they are doing might not be the healthiest thing for their body.
I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for a long time and have always been into exercise and eating well. I’ve seen diets and detoxes come and go and no doubt I will see a whole lot more over the coming years. I know the weight loss secret – and I’ll give to you for free ….. THERE IS NO SECRET!!!! You just have to commit to eating healthy most of the time and exercising regularly. I know you have heard it before, but take it from me – someone who has remained around the same weight forever – this is what works.
I understand why people go on these diets, but I really wish they would stop doing it, because most of them put all the weight they have taken off back on plus more.
I was talking to a friend of mine who lost a stack of weight on a high protein diet. I hadn’t seen her for while and she told me she had put back on the weight she lost. She said that she just couldn’t follow the strict rules every day even though she was focused and disciplined.
If you follow most diets to the letter you will lose weight because most of them come down to one thing – calorie reduction. They just package it another way to sell books and meal replacements etc.
Our bodies are pretty amazing and they need a full range of food groups, vitamins and minerals to function properly, as well as regular activity.
Losing weight (body fat) and keeping it off isn’t rocket science. It’s actually quite simple. It just requires consistent effort over the long term.
Remember – life is for living … not dieting. Your body will never be at its best if you don’t eat a full range of food groups and have regular activity in your day.
Stop the fad dieting and just commit to having a good, healthy diet. Make 2014 the year you commit to eating well and exercising regularly and I promise this time next year you will be a whole lot lighter and probably feel a whole lot better.
Good luck.
Leanne Shorter is a mum of three grown children. She has remained fit and healthy while raising her children, working full time and running a business and a household.
Leanne is a qualified personal trainer and weight loss consultant. As a devoted mum, she has spent much of her life being a healthy role model for her three now grown up children.
Hundreds of women have benefited from Lee’s health and fitness advice, tips and tricks, meal and recipe ideas, and exercise programs. She loves helping women learn how to stay healthy and get the most out of life while being busy mums. Check out her website or find her on facebook @leeshealthywomensclub.