How Often Should You Be Washing Your Jeans?

Are you washing your jeans too often? When it comes to the topic of how often jeans should be washed, there are a lot of differing opinions. But who is right? According to many experts many of us may be washing them too often. This was highlighted in a recent online discussion in which one concerned wife asked Reddit if it was normal for her husband to wear his jeans up to 4 or 5 times before washing them.
My husband insists on wearing his jeans 4-5 times before washing them. He will go out to eat, grocery shop, cook food (raw meat) in them and wear them all day and still fold them up and put them back in the closet. I basically have to sneak them out to wash them. Personally, if I leave the house I’m washing whatever clothes I’ve left in.
Is this normal?
Commenters soon reassured her that not only was it perfectly normal, it’s what jeans were originally designed for!
Fashion designer here! That’s what jeans are designed for. Actually, washing them too frequently can cause damage of the fabric. Jeans were made for heavy duty tasks, what makes it a resistant fabric. You can wear it as many times as you wish as long as it’s not dirty or it don’t smell bad. (SupportDue9492)
He’s right; you’re washing them too often. Especially if they’re raw denim. Washing raw denim jeans too often is bad for them.
If they stink, wash them. But — not making this up here — a lot of “raw denim enthusiasts,” of which there are several, will actually throw their jeans in the freezer overnight instead of washing them, to kill the stinky bacteria. I’m not sure if it works. (SkyPork)
How Often Do Experts Recommend Washing Your Jeans?
There doesn’t appear to be a definitive answer on this topic. Depending on where you look you’ll likely get a different answer.
Levi’s CEO, Chip Bergh, famously stated that you should avoid washing your jeans frequently and even suggested not washing them for up to six months. Instead he advocates for spot cleaning stains and airing them out frequently to preserve the denim’s quality, fit, and colour.
“If I drop some curry on my jeans, I’m gonna clean it. But I’ll spot clean it. And if they get really gross you know, if I’ve been out sweating or something and they get really gross, I’ll wash them in the shower,” he said. This means keeping jeans on in the shower and covering them in soap as you would your body, Bergh explained. He also claimed that the jeans he was wearing hadn’t seen the inside of a washing machine despite being over a year old.
Michael Pendlebury, a specialist in denim repair and restoration, also known as ‘The Denim Doctor’ is highly regarded in the denim world for his expertise in mending and preserving and tailoring raw and high quality denim. He recommends washing jeans after about 6-8 months either by hand or on a gentle wash cycle with cold water followed by air drying, to minimise stress or damage to the fabric.
Conversely, the experts at Good Housekeeping advise jean wearers to wash them after only 3-4 wears to maintain hygiene and freshness. They suggest washing them in cold water and air drying them inside out to minimise fading.
Tips for Washing Your Denim Jeans
The Benefits of Washing Your Jeans Sparingly
The truth is that it’s not only expensive, high-quality denim that should be washed sparingly. Show even your cheap jeans some extra love by washing them less often and reap the following benefits:
- Colour Preservation: Frequent washing can cause the dye in denim to fade faster.
- Reduce Wear and Tear: Washing and drying jeans can cause fabric fibres to break down more quickly, leading to thinning and fraying.
- Maintain the Fit: Jeans can shrink or lose their shape after multiple washes. Wash sparingly to maintain a good fit.
- Environmental Considerations: Less washing means less water and energy usage, which is beneficial for the environment, as well as the integrity of your jeans!
How often do you wash your jeans?