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How You Can Make Money from Home During the Coronavirus Crisis (Without Even Leaving Your House)

make money from home during the coronavirus

How You Can Make Money from Home During the Coronavirus Crisis (Without Even Leaving Your House)


For those of us who have been meaning to declutter our homes, using this time at home during the Coronavirus crisis to tackle the task, could prove to be beneficial in more ways than you might think. The positive effects of organising your home on general wellbeing is well documented. It can help to decrease anxiety and stress, clear your mind and make it easier to unwind and relax. But what many of us fail to realise is that sorting through those unused and often long-forgotten items, could provide a welcome stream of income, which would be particularly helpful at a time when many Australian households are experiencing economic stress as a result of the global pandemic.

According to a study in 2017 that surveyed 1000 people in the four biggest Australian states, the average financial value of our unloved items adds up to a whopping $6,623 per household. The Choosi Clutter Report also found that those Aussie’s who made the effort to declutter could fill 6.8 large rubbish bags every year with their unwanted junk! With garage sales currently prohibited due to social distancing rules, charity stores closed and not able to accept donations, it makes sense to turn your pre-loved things into extra cash, rather than extra landfill. We know it sounds cliché, but one man’s trash really is another mans treasure. Instead of mindlessly throwing things away, consider extending the lifespan of your unused belongings, by selling them to people who not only want or need them, but who are also appreciative of being able to save money by acquiring it second-hand.

Fortunately, eBay is making it easier than ever during these uncertain times, by allowing sellers to safely sell online from the comfort of their home. The eBay partnership with courier company Sendle, makes selling and posting through eBay, 100% contact free. You no longer have to worry about visiting your local post office to arrange postage to your buyer, which, let’s face it is next to impossible anyway if you have children doing their schoolwork from home. All you have to do is simply select and click on “Print Postage Label” in My eBay, and Sendle will pick up your item from your front door and it will be sent to the buyer. It couldn’t be easier. For more information on this service we recommend heading to the eBay website here for more information.

If you are now looking around your home imagining piles of money in place of any excess clutter, we highly recommend heading to the eBay site to get your ‘virtual clearance sale’ underway. Clear out the clutter and fill up your wallet…it’s a win-win!



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.