A Space of My Own

There is a small corner of the house (and I mean small) where I can often be found tapping away on the keyboard, chewing on my pen willing a flash of literary inspiration to hit me, or looking at my reflection rubbing anti-wrinkle cream into the area under my eyes in a vain attempt to conceal my lack of sleep.
It isn’t much, but it is the ONLY area of the house which is solely mine…unless you count the oven and the sink, and let’s face it, I’m more than willing to share both of those ANYTIME!
I know what you are thinking…who wants to sit at a desk and look at their own reflection (and don’t worry there are many days when I don’t) but it is my secret eyes-in-the-back-of-my head enabler. Whilst the kids play on the floor with their Lego, or dolls, or building blocks, I get to sit in my little corner, and still have my eyes on them without having to rubber-neck all the time!
This week I have had some fun pimping my writing space thanks to a parcel of Collected & Co stationery that was sent to me from Micador. News of my stationery fetish it seems has travelled far and wide!
Not only did it give me a chance to give my desk a makeover, and personalize my space, it also allowed me to get more organised…and let’s face it, I need all the help I can get!
And yes…as you may have guessed, I have ‘a thing’ for typwriters.
The Micador range comes in three different colours, natural, white and grey, with a great range of stickers that allow you to bespoke your space.
The great news is Micador are giving away a hamper valued at over $200 (in the winners choice of colour) and I will be drawing the lucky winner on Mother’s Day. Click here to enter for your chance to win this awesome prize and pimp your personal space! Good luck my lovelies! x