Back to School with ALDI: Win a $200 Gift Voucher

Back to School with ALDI: Win a $200 Gift Voucher
“So…we were thinking,” my mum said down the phone line “Why don’t you bring the kids to visit us for a week before school goes back? We’ll pay for the flights.”
A week on the Gold Coast sounded like just what we all needed, but quickly counting down the days until the start of school I realised just how close it was, and also how far from organised I was (as usual).
“I’d love to. It’s just…I haven’t got any of their school stuff yet…and,” I replied, typing ‘flights from Melbourne to the Gold Coast’ onto my open laptop.
I mentally assessed all the things I had to do that week. Did I have a spare day to run around gathering supplies for school?
Urgh! A whole day running from this shop to that. I suddenly realised why I hadn’t done it already. I’d been putting it off. Who wants to waste the last days of the Summer school holidays driving from one shop to another, when there is sunshine to be enjoyed and adventures to be had?
“Well, just have a think about it,” my mum said. “We’ll give you a call tomorrow.”
* * * *
It’s strange the way the universe works.
The next day, in my inbox lay an opportunity to write about and share the ALDI back to school range.
It promised all the back to school essentials, from healthy options for the school lunch box to backpacks, leather joggers, lunch packs, art smocks, library bags and stationery (the whole shebang) all in one place, and at great prices.
“I love ALDI,” my friend gushed an hour later over an impromptu coffee catch-up. “I’ve already been and got all of our back to school essentials. Here, have a look,” she said thrusting a catalogue into my hand.
You can view all of these specials plus LOTS MORE in the latest ALDI Special Buys catalogue online
All of a sudden, shopping for my kids’ school stuff in just an hour and flying off into the sunset the next day seemed totally doable.
“Book the flights!” I told my mum excitedly on the phone as I packed the kids into the car. “We’re going to ALDI now to get all the school stuff. We’ll see you tomorrow!”
20 minutes later, we arrived at ALDI, grabbed our trolley and got our serious ‘shop on!’
Another twenty minutes later and I’d picked up everything on our list (with the exception of some of the school uniform items that I need to pick up from the school shop).
But we weren’t done yet. This sign outside the shop had caught my eye…
Can you see that?
No artificial colours storewide only at ALDI.
What parent doesn’t welcome the chance to shop for their child’s lunchbox without having to read the back of every packet to see what hidden colours may be lurking inside?
As the parent of a child with attention difficulties, watching what he eats is of particular importance. I can’t expect him to concentrate in class if he is ingesting artificial colours. But it is of course equally important to me that all of my children (attention difficulties aside) are getting good, healthy food to fuel their growing bodies and expanding minds…artificial colour-free!
ALDI has a fantastic range of food products perfect for your child’s lunchbox, including fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, and other snacks, at really low prices.
I’ve picked out some of my favourite to show you exactly what I mean….
(Left to right:) Bakers Life Wholegrain Wraps 8pk $1.99, Portview Tuna 95g, $1.09, Brooklea Yogurt Squishy 70g (available in 3 flavours) $0.69c, Hillcrest Premium Muesli Bars 6 pk $3.49, Oh So Natural Almonds 6pk 30g $3.99, The Fresh Salad Co Mixed Salad, 120g, $1.69, Berg Sliced Ham value 4pk x 100g $4.69, Lodge Farms Free Range Eggs 12pk 700g $4.39, Westacre Snack ‘N’ Go Cheese and Crackers 50g $1.49.
Tip: I freeze the Yogurt Squishy’s. That way they act as a freezer block to keep the other food cool in the lunchbox, and are also still cold and defrosted by school snack time!
(Left to right:) Sweet Vine Sultana Snack Pack 6 x 40g $1.79, Sweet Valley Fruit Snacks – Peach, Two Fruits and Fruit Salad 4 x 125g $2.09, Babybel 7pk $4.49, Li’l Snackerz Bananas 750g $1.99, Australian Bellino Tomatoes $2.49, Bakers Life Bakehouse Mixed Grain Bread 850g $2.49, Hillcrest Yogurt Muesli Bars Variety 12pk $2.99, Oh So Natural Almonds or Fruit & Nut Mix 6pk $2.49, Damora Mini Rice Cakes 8 x 20g, $3.99
Tip: Check with your school or kinder regarding their policy on nuts.
Visit the Aldi website for more lunchbox suggestions
So, if you are yet to do your back to school shopping I can’t recommend ALDI highly enough – just think of all that time and money you’ll save! Don’t waste what is left of the school holidays running from store to store – get it all in one place!
In the meantime, if anyone wants me…I’ll be poolside with these 3 nuts!
WIN a $200 ALDI Gift Voucher
ALDI are giving Mums Lounge readers the opportunity to win a $200 gift voucher so you can kick off the school year as you mean to go on – with healthy eating. With these fantastic prices, you’ll be bowled over by all the lunchbox groceries you can stock up on – and they’ll all be free from artificial colours! You’ve got to LOVE that!
To enter leave a blog comment at the bottom of the page, answering just one easy question from the entry form below.
Good luck!