Big Blogger Secrets: The Reveal!

Yesterday, I dished the dirt on 10 bloggers.
Or at least I offered up 10 bloggers, along with 10 secrets and asked you to match them correctly.
For those of you who missed yesterdays post – you can check it out here. Don’t cheat. Go and have a look and see if you can guess. Go on…we’ll wait.
So…the time has come for the big reveal.
We even came dressed for the part tonight!
Like my pants? I hear that Sonia Kruger has a similar pair.
So without further ado…
Cue tension building music…dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum!
Sonia – Life Love and Hiccups
Was in a stackhat commercial…and by all accounts (well, her own) at the time she thought she was going to be the next Drew Barrymore.
Katrina – The Organised Housewife
Regifted an unwanted gift to the wrong person – that being the person that gave it to her originally.
Truly Katrina, we are shocked and just a little bit delighted that even The Organised Housewife is a little disorganised every now and again, even if it is fobbing off crap presents. Just out of curiousity though..was it a fondue set? I swear there are fondue sets in this world that get passed around from pillar to post at Christmas every year!
Georgia – Parental Parody
One of my very first blog crushes, sister from another mister, and recent drinking partner when I was in Perth, Georgia – was blind as a bat in her youth before laser eye surgery. I’m talking legally blind…not blind drunk, although I suspect that it may have been a distinct combination of the two when she tried to chat up a wheelie bin outside a nightclub…in full view of all her friends, and her boyfriend at the time. Too bloody funny.
Jess – Diary of a SAHM
As gorgeous as she appears, Jess is the culprit of eating Promite straight from the jar. Who would have guessed? Don’t judge!
Gemma – My Big Nutshell
I’m sure you all had nutty Gemma pegged from the start as the one was pulled over by the police, in a car full of guys, wearing only her underwear, after an unfortunate incident in a pub toilet involving poo. Well, all except those of you who thought it was probably me! Gemma emphatically states that the poo was not hers…although the mind boggles at what could have possibly happened!
How about a guest post Gemma just to clear things up?
Fiona – My Mummy Daze
Her first 3 relationships were of the long-distance online variety – thanks to MSN Messenger and the like. Does anyone still use that? My step-dad ‘pings’ me occasionally and it takes me a good few minutes to work out where the noise is coming from and how to respond. How quickly we forget!
Natalie – Mummy Smiles
She has two phobias – grasshoppers and wet bars of soap.
Wet bars of soap I can understand…but come on…how could you dislike this guy?
Oh yeah. He’s a cricket. Same difference? No? Moving on.
Daisy – Daisy, Roo and Two
Is the closet sci-fi geek…or was. I’ve just outed her.
In her defence Daisy says “I’m a closet sci fi geek. Doctor Who, Terry Pratchet, Farscape, Firefly. The list goes on. Sci fi is something I used to tease my husband about mercilessly but somewhere along the way I’ve been converted!”
That’s my girl. When in doubt – blame Hubby. Works for me every time.
Laney – Crash Test Mummy
Would you be surprised if I told you that Crash Test Mummy accidentally crash-tested her new 3 day old car..before she had insured it? Eeeek!
Jolene (yes…me) – Jolene’s Mumbo Jumbo
Which just leaves the weekend job working at an electrical store as a promotions girl – giving demonstrations with vacuum cleaners. I know! Me! Cleaning! Pah! Hilarious!
And yes, that year I single handedly put the sexy back into housework…by spouting (and pouting) the line “Nothing sucks like an Electrolux!”
I suspect that there were more than a few pissed off wives that year unwrapping vacuum cleaners on Christmas morning. But I have set the balance right…by being completely crap at it (vacuuming and housework…not the other thing) ever since.
So how many did you get right?