Bizarre Jewellery: Would You Dare to Bare the Hair?

By now, I am sure you will know, (particularly if you have been loitering around this blog for a little while), that I love to share a bit of the ‘weird and wonderful’ every now and again.
And what could be weirder than a necklace made of….no wait…maybe I shouldn’t spoil the surprise.
Kerry Howley, a creative art student from Cambridge, England is apparently creating a buzz in the art world with her bizarre collection of handmade jewellery.
You’d be forgiven of course for thinking that this was the result of a merkin and a scarf sharing a passionate, drunken night together, but it is in fact a very delicate and intricate necklace made from human hair.
Grossed out yet?
Here, let me show you some more.
Images via Arts Thread
Of course for full effect I think they should probably have been accessorised with a gold medallion and some pimp shades…but, what do I know?
But I’m thinking, how awesome would it be if she could make hairy tights ‘on trend.’ How fabulous would it be if your furry winter legs were catwalk ready? I know I for one, would be loving that fashion statement!
So tell me…(after you have taken your head out of the toilet bowl) what do you think of the hairy necklaces?