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Coming Out of the Closet with Dymo (plus a Giveaway)

chamber horrors cupboard dymo labeller

I can’t believe it! I finally did it!

The burden of keeping my dirty secret hidden for all these years has finally been lifted.

I have come out of the closet and you have no idea what a relief it is.

I have been in there for two days.

I usually avoid it at all costs, lest I be sucked into the vortex of giving a damn.

But, you see, as I begin to get more and more of a handle on my stress and anxiety, I can see that addressing these niggling issues that make me feel incompetent as a housewife are really helping.

You see, although my home is clean, it is invariably untidy. There are always books and paperwork on my kitchen table. There is always miscellaneous crap on my desk, and there is more often than not, a bag of clothes by the door that I have been meaning to drop off at the op-shop for the last few weeks. For the past six years or more the only times my house have been spotless have been when a) my mother has been to visit, b) when we have had social gatherings, and c) when I hear an unexpected car in the driveway. Then it is panic-stations, and I go into automatic-housework recovery mode.

In most of these situations my key tidying method has been what I like to call the ‘shove- and-shut’ method, whereby everything is thrown into the nearest cupboard space, and the door is squeezed shut (with the genuine intention of sorting it out later when the guests have left.)

For the past six years, later hasn’t come. Avelanches, when doors have been opened later, unfortunately have though.

Warning: The following image may disturb and disgust some viewers. Others I hope will find relief in at, and know that their housekeeping skills are not as bad as they thought after all!

chamber horrors cupboard dymo labeller

For those of you who haven’t just fainted with shock and horror (sorry Mother, and MIL…I have warned you both about reading the blog though!) that is the cupboard in question. Frightening isn’t it?

Well, armed with my new Letratag Dymo label maker (which shall be henceforth known fondly as Gok on account of it’s oozing inspiration to give things a makeover) it took me two long days, (and several bin bags) but I tamed that beast!

Ta da!

 dymo after pic

Gok even gives you the function to do cute borders, different styles, sizes, symbols etc. I love it and I’m determined to get this house , and all it’s cupboards and drawers whipped into shape. Not only does it feel good to be putting some order into place, but the thought of knowing where everything is all of the time, makes me giddy with excitement. (I know…what has my life come to, huh?)

labels dymo letratag

I suppose labeling the children, so I don’t go through all three names just to get to the one I am trying to get the attention of last, might be taking things to extremes?

Well, the good news is that I have a Dymo Letratag L100H handheld labeller (just like my beloved Gok) to giveaway, so you too can label everything in sight like me.  But, if my ugly-cupboard-cinderella-transformation hasn’t convinced you (I know, I’m no Martha Stewart, no hard feelings) here is why you really need a Dymo labeller in your life:

The Dymo Letratag L100H handheld labeller

This simple-to-use home labelling solution allows you to create labels exactly the way you want. It prints on a variety of coloured labels plus adds popular features like multiple font styles, underlining, bolding, text sizing and more. Unlike other label makers, the exclusive graphical display shows exactly how your label will print. This means no more guessing what the labels will look like. What you see is what you get.

• Ergonomic design for easy handling
• Large 13-character display with print preview for editing label before printing
• Navigation buttons for easy access to advanced features
• 9 label memory
• 2 line printing
• 5 font sizes
• 8 box styles
• Auto-off Power saver
• Date/Time Function
Multi-lingual RACE Technology

For your chance to win follow the instructions on the rafflecopter widget below.

P.s. Those with cupboards in worse states than mine can secure more entried by commenting below – okay, that was a blatant fib.  It would just make me feel much better.  PLEASE, someone tell me they need a little organisation in their like more than I do.  



a Rafflecopter giveaway



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.