Finding Magic in the Mundane: The Troll

The boys and I went to collect the eggs today when we were visiting Nana.
On the way from Nana’s house across the paddock to the chicken coup, the boys and I had an adventure.
You see, as we were passing over the little bridge, I heard the faint sounds of a troll snoring…
So we had to be really quiet, ‘cos trolls can be very grumpy if they get woken up!
We tried to have a look under the bridge, but we couldn’t see him.
We talked about what we thought he might look like. Apparently he is only about half a metre high, and he looks a bit like this….
So, we tip-toed as quietly as we could across the bridge. The troll is very particular about who he allows to
cross his bridge. He protects the chickens and stops fox from crossing.
Come on Foghorn…you can make it!
Of course, after the first crossing we all got a bit braver, and soon we were plopping stones into the
water and running back and fore, giggling madly. It was so much fun!
Once, we even thought we heard him waking up!
What’s that? You don’t beleive in trolls?
We actually saw him!
Take a look if you don’t believe me…
But ssshhhh! We don’t want to wake him. Trolls get grumpy when they are woken up.