I like that Boulder, THAT is a nice boulder

This morning as we drove past the empty schoolyard, free from the constraints of having to be somewhere at a certain time, the Woo turned to his brother Foghorn excitedly and said “Did you know that we are getting a new playground at school?
“Yeah I know,” said Foghorn dismissively. “You already told me that.”
“Where is the new playground going?” I asked Woo, a little surprised that our little country school was getting a new…well, anything.
“There are blue crosses on the ground to mark where it is going,” he explained clearly happy to share his inside information.
“Will it be ready when i go to your school after Christmas?” asked Foghorn.
“Yeah. I think so,” answered Woo as his brow furrowed. He was clearly a llitte sketchy on the finer details.
“And, did you know…” Woo’s face lit up again as he remembered some other important nugget of information he could share with the captive carload. “There is a special rock in the schoolyard.”
“Is there?” I asked seeing the big boulder type thing that I’d often seen the children climbing on in my mind’s eye. “Why is it special?”
“Because, it is so old it has been there since ancient times.”
“Really?” I asked intrigued to hear this special rock story, and quietly impressed with his use of the term ‘ancient.’
“Yep,” Woo nodded. “It has been there since the 80s!”
“Whoa,” said Foghorn, finally impressed. “That is really old!“