LifeBuddi App Review Part Two: Why You Should Totally Start Your 14 Day Free Trial Today!

LifeBuddi App Review Part Two: Why You Should Totally Start Your 14 Day Free Trial Today!
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Oh my goodness, it’s February already!
Sadly, according to one study, that probably means that more than half of us have already failed in the New Year’s Resolutions that we set for ourselves at the start of the year
It’s the same familiar story, right? We welcome January with open arms, full of the possibilities a new year brings and high hopes and goals for ourselves. But, inevitably, life just sort of gets busy and before we know it a whole week has passed by and we’ve totally forgotten that we’d vowed to exercise more, eat less or whatever it was we were convinced we were going to nailthis timearound. Then one week becomes two, and you tell yourself you’ll start tomorrow because life is just so busy right now and then before you know it it’s brand new month, and you are still the same old you.
At least, that’s the way it goes for me…usually.
For the first time in forever, I haven’t lost my motivation early Feburary and I’m actually still on track with my health and fitness goals. Who even am I?
I’m exercising 3 times a week and meditate daily (both of which have been fantastic ways of managing my anxiety) and I’ve cut out the mid-week glasses of wine to unwind. I am sleeping better, and have lost almost 2 kilos. I feel better than I have in a long time!
Of course, I’d love for you to believe that it’s all down to some kind of magical super willpower that I’ve tapped into, but the truth is that it’s simpler and much more accessible to everybody than that. As I explained back in December, I’ve been trialling the LifeBuddi app, which is like having your own motivational coach that gives you personalised nudgesand motivation to take the little steps you need to take to meet your goals.
Read: LifeBiddi App Part One here.
By starting each week scheduling into the app what I want to achieve I’ve been able to keep my goals top of mind. The reminders are fantastic for helping me to stick to these goals and I get enormous pleasure from being able to tick the tasks when I’ve completed them and have a visual representation of my progress. This is a great feature of LifeBuddi, being able to record and see my progress, which inevitably motivates me to keep going.
Now, I’m human. There have been days where I haven’t completed EVERYTHING I’ve set for myself, but that’s where LifeBuddi has been a lifesaver. Rather than letting me give up on myself, LifeBuddi has refocused me in the things that I have achieved so far and reminded me WHY I am doing this. Because of this, I feel like l really am moving forward, thanks to the personalised motivational coaching LifeBuddi offers. Despite missing the odd workout here or there or having that extra slice of cake, l can easily stay on track with this app.
I’ve gone from completing 48% of tasks I set for myself in a week, to achieving between 90-100% most weeks as they are becoming habits.
One of my FAVOURITE things about this app though is how it can help me to move from a resistant mindset to feeling more focused and motivated. I find the audio clips incredibly helpful and motivating, reminding me of my WHY and pushing me to achieve my goals!
I’m not telling you all of this to blow my own trumpet (although I am super proud of my personal progress since using this app). I just wanted to let you know, that just because it’s already February and you might have lost some of that New Year glow, it’s not too late to get excited about and work towards your health and wellbeing goals. And, as for me,LifeBuddi can help you do just that.
Us ladies need to make sure we take care of ourselves, so we can better take care of our loved ones!
You can download the LifeBuddi app for yourself and try it FREE for 14 days!
I’d love to hear how you get on!