Mummy Pimps the Messy Book Pile!

Mummy Pimps the Messy Book PIle
Anyone who knows me will know that I love books.
Books and stationary give me the warm fuzzies.
I have two large bookcases at home chock-a-bloc full of books that I have collected over the years. But the most recent books that have been added to the collection are largely chidren’s books. As an avid reader myself I enjoy nothing more than snuggling up quietly with my children after a busy day, soaking up the closeness and the stillness after the mayhem of dinnertime and bath time.
But I have been hesitant about buying a bookcase for the children’s room, lest it gets used as a climbing frame and falls and squashes someone.
I’m a mum, okay, it’s my job to worry about these kinds of things. And trust me, if there is mischief to be had at 5.30am when the house is in darkness and everyone is asleep, Foghorn and the Woo will surely find it.
But, I don’t feel that this untidy piling up of the books really fosters in my children the respect that I hope they will have for books, as well as the love.
So, I was a bit excited when, on one of my usual nightly perusals of the web and all its wonders, I came across these.
The ones I found were only $39.95 from Dealsdirect. Bargain. I’ll take two, thank you very much!
I know what you are thinking. You are checking the url and wondering if you have unwittingly landed on someone else’s blog page – someone adept at organising and making things look orderly. Let me assure you that you are in the right place…and yes, I am feeling quite alright (thanks for asking)…and no, you probably won’t hear me talk of organizing again anytime soon (unless it is to lament my total lack of it!)
The fact that I want to organize them just goes to show how much I love my books!
Anyhoo, armed with a screwdriver and much enthusiasm, I managed to knock these babies together in next to no time.
Not only does it solve my mess issue, but it is the perfect height for little hands to reach out for their favourite title but also to replace them. I think I may need to purchase another one…ok.maybe two for their other books….and possibly one for my lady room aka garage(when it is finished being built) for my magazines and newspapers.
I just need to get some big colourful cushions now to lie down underneath and they’ll be the perfect little reading place.
FYI: This is not a sponsored post. I just had an uncontrollable urge to share the book lurve!