How to Take Family Movie Night to The Next Level on a Budget PLUS a Popcorn Recipe to Blow Your Mind and Tastebuds!

How to Take Family Movie Night to The Next Level on a Budget PLUS a Popcorn Recipe to Blow Your Mind and Tastebuds!
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There is nothing better than a good family movie night is there?
After a busy week at school, at the office (or in the laundry in my case!), it’s so nice to all cuddle up on the couch together or sprawl across a bean bag and chill out with a movie and delicious snacks!
With the school holidays now in full swing, like most parents I’m feeling the pressure to find fun things to do. AND as all parents will know, unless the weather is suitable for outdoor activities, a large percentage of indoor activities come with a price tag. So as Melbourne seems to have missed the memo that spring has sprung, I decided to take advantage of the ever-increasing wish-list of things we want to watch on Netflix and created a fun movie night experience at home on a budget.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE going to the cinema, but my couch is way more comfy than those cinema seats and this way we got to indulge in a healthier version of fast food, make our own sundaes and fill up on the tastiest popcorn we have ever tasted, without spending a small fortune.
With the help of a blue tablecloth, some bunting I picked up for a couple of dollars on Ebay, some flag toothpicks and some printable labels I turned a treat night meal into some serious superhero food – and as you can imagine, my kids thought I was (to quote) ‘the best mum ever!’*
*Which coincidentally was the opposite of what I heard less than 24 hours later when one of them received a 24 hour iPad ban for fighting with their sibling…but you know, you have to take it when you can get it! Ha!
But the REAL hero of the evening was the Cobs popcorn a) because I didn’t have to prepare it, I just poured it out into individual servings (winning!) b) their new Classic Americana range suited my theme perfectly and c) OMG! They taste…AHHHH-Mazing! Better yet, they contain no artificial colours or preservatives, are made from GM free ingredients, and are a source of dietary fibre. Fortunately, no one in my family has any special dietary requirements, but some of you may also be pleased to hear that they are also gluten free, are produced in a nut-free facility and the Midwest Hickory Bar-B-Q and the Vermont Maple Vanilla popcorn are also vegan.
Seriously, if you are looking to take your family movie night to the next level, you can skip the burgers and sundaes and the bunting and the blah, blah, blah and just grab yourself a couple of packets of Cobs popcorn from the new Classic Americana range. The Vermont Maple Vanilla popcorn is my personal favourite…and perfect for adding to desserts like these Banana and popcorn Pops.
Banana and Popcorn Pops Recipe
Featuring Cobs Vermont Maple Vanilla Popcorn from the Classic Americana Range
Makes 10
2 packs Cobs Vermont Maple Vanilla Popcorn, lightly crushed
5 small bananas, peeled and cut in half crossways
10 paddle pop sticks
Choice of dipping sauce – strawberry yogurt or Maple and tahini sauce (equal parts of each – 1/3 cup of each mixed)
* Cobs Vermont Maple Vanilla Popcorn may be substituted with Cobs’ Lightly Salted and Slightly Sweet Popcorn
Push a stick carefully through the bottom of the cut side of each banana
Freeze 3 hours or overnight
Remove from freezer and roll in chosen sauces
Roll immediately on the popcorn to coat
Place back into the freezer on a lined tray for 2 hours or until set
These are on the menu for next week’s movie night! Let me know if you give them a go before then. I’m practically drooling just thinking about them!
Hope you are enjoying the school holidays! Have a great week!