10 Kids Toys Equally as Inappropriate as the Play-Doh ‘Dil-Doh’

It’s not every year that you hand your little neice a neatly wrapped gift beneath the Christmas tree only to realise less than a week later that the fun looking Play-Doh set you gave her actually contains a rather questionably shaped tool. Quite literally!
Toy-makers Hasbro are in damage control after angry parents shared images of the extruder from the ‘Sweet Shoppe Cake Mountain’ play-set, now dubbed the Play-Doh ‘Dil-Doh’ across social media. Whilst many have seen the funny side of the Play-Doh gaff, others have claimed that the discovery ruined their entire Christmas.
Thankfully my in-laws have a sense of humour, although I may henceforth hold the title of worst auntie ever!
If like me, you accidentally gifted your child or someone else’s a plastic phallus this festive season, find solace in the fact that you could have actually fared much worse.
Check out these 10 kids toys that are worse (or equally as inappropriate) than the Play-Doh ‘Dil-Doh.’
Pee and Poo plush dolls
No further explanation needed right?
Baby’s First Baby
And if a pregnant baby doesn’t totally creep you out, it also has stretch marks and it’s water breaks!
You Can Shave the Baby
Talking of creepy and weird dolls, check out the ‘You Can Shave the Baby.’ Really? I don’t know why I never thought of this!
E.T Finger Toy
What kid wouldn’t want a light-up finger like this cute extra-terrestrial?
Apparently parents weren’t quite so keen on this wrinkled, skin coloured appendage though…for some reason!
Dora Aquapet
Sheesh! Anyone would think that parents think that everything looks like a penis!
Barbie and Tanner
Barbie and her pooch Tanner come complete with plastic dog feces for your little darling to play with, and a poo-scooper – because everyone knows how much fun cleaning up dog shit is!
Breast Milk Baby Doll
This one has nothing to do with the old breastmilk v formula debate and everything to do with finding it kinda creepy seeing your 3 year old strap on a bra and attach a doll to her plastic nipple. Yeah!
Punisher Shape Shifter
Because every child should have at least one toy with a rocket for a crotch! Right?
Vibrating Nimbus
Apparently parents just couldn’t understand why anyone would make a toy intended to be placed between the legs with a vibrating function! Well, not for their children at least!
Poo Dough
Not only is this a real toy, the poo dough was reportedly one of the top-selling Amazon toys of 2013! The mind boggles!
So there we have it! Put into perspective, the Play Doh ‘Dil-Doh’ doesn’t seem quite so bad after all!
Tell us, did your kids receive the Play-Doh Sweet Shoppe Cake Mountain playlet this Christmas?