
(That was the sound of my metaphorical blogging-cherry being plucked. I had hoped for something that sounded a little more sophisticated or sensual..but there we have it!)
My name is Jolene and I’m new here at the Mum’s lounge (after recently discovering them on good ol’ Facebook) and as you have now guessed a freshie when it comes to blogging too. So forgive me if I stumble or make mistakes along the way…I’ll get there with a little trial and error – hopefully!
My three little piglets, (aged 10 months, 2 yrs and almost 4) are now tucked up in bed and as always at the end of a busy day it’s time to let out a sigh of relief, and possibly unwind with a glass of wine. Yay! An hour or two of adult-time to reconnect with hubby before I flop wearily into bed and begin the mayhem and madness all over again tomorrow. Would I have it any other way? Not on your life!
With just thirty-seven months between my eldest and my youngest, as besotted as I am with my brood, life as a stay-home Mum isn’t without it’s challenges. Everyone is at different developmental stages and has different needs and interests and it is a constant juggling act trying to ensure that they all get their fair share of attention. (All this in addition to all the usual mundane tasks associated with running a home…and finding time to get onto the computer too (of course). I actually live in the secret hope that all the other Mum’s who ‘Facebook’ during the day when their babies nap are also sitting with their clean laundry piling up in big untidy mountains on the kitchen table while their bookcases gather dust. No? Really? I suspect that many of us had less distractions and more time to do the dreaded housework before we discovered the joys of mumslounge.com.au and other social networking sites. Come on girls, back me up. Surely I’m not the only one who hurriedly bundles things into cupboards to give my home a semblance of order when I hear hubbies tyres on the driveway?
When you spend long hours at home with only your precious littlies for conversation you can get a little stir-crazy. Being able to connect with other like-minded women who may be working through the same issues and challenges and being able to offer and receive support and advice is such an invaluable resource for us Mums. It keeps me sane. That’s my excuse for having cob-webs on the window frames anyway – and I’m sticking to it.
There are still a few toys scattered around the living room floor which I need to put away before hubby does though, so I will say goodnight for now.
I really don’t want hubby opening up that cupboard now, do I? And besides that my wine is getting warm…night ladies!