Sea World Resort – The Highlight Reel

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I may not take the best photographs in the world, but I am still an avid snapper, whether it be on my iPhone, or on my DSLR, particularly when I visit new places. I love how you can look at a photograph years down the track, and remember what had happened just before or just after, what you were thinking, the temperature or even the smell in the air.
I love how they give your memory a nudge and everything comes flooding back.
These are just some of the memories that Bubble and I made whilst on our recent stay at the Sea World Resort on the Gold Coast, and I look forward to looking back over them with her in the years ahead, when we reminisce about the special ‘girls trip’ we took for her fourth birthday.
Bubble: Look Mummy. We are higher than the clouds!
Me: Argh! Don’t touch anything. Let Mummy take a photograph whilst everywhere is still all lovely and clean and tidy.
Me: Eye Spy with my little eye something beginning with wine! I mean W!
Bubble: Awesome! Let’s go swimming!
Me: Maybe we will wait until the storm has passed honey!
Bubble: Mum! It’s sunny! Let’s go! *stands at door in her swimming costume at 7am.
Bubble: Ahhhh. He is ad-or-ble Mummy.
Bubble takes her new Henry backpack to lunch, and enjoys telling Nana and Bampy all about the fun we’ve had so far.
After a busy day, and a visit to the Kids Club for a play and a dinner of grilled fish and salad (Bubble’s choice from the menu), she is too tired to go down to the pool area to watch the light show, so we cuddle on the balcony and watch from there! Awesome!
In hindsight, a 2 day visit wasn’t nearly long enough to fit everything in we would have liked to do, e.g. the dolphin discover show, the adjoining Sea World Water Park, and lots of rides and attractions at the Sea World theme park itself. A few days to spend in the park itself would have been great, with the added bonus of being able to shoot back to the resort for a swim, a relax, a meal, or in Bubble’s case, a little afternoon nap. We’ll definitely be booking at least 5-7 days when we return next year with Hubbster and the boys!
For more information on accommodation and packages available at SeaWorld Resort please visit the Sea World Resort website
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.