The One Where Woo Goes All Robert De Niro On Us!

It seems that we have reached a new and slightly unexpected milestone in our house.
Hubbster and I have suddenly reached the point when we are capable of embarrassing our little people, and when our public displays of affection are just a little bit icky!
This evening, whilst preparing dinner, Hubbster taking the wooden spoon out of my hand that I was stirring the baked beans with (yes, beans on a Sunday…don’t judge!), spun me around and planted a smacker on my lips.
Caught in our mid-bean-stirring snog we were suddenly interrupted by the unmistakable voice of 5 year old Woo.
“Oh….” he groaned with the hint of a smirk on his face “You guys look like you are eating each other! Gross!”
Of course Hubbster and I erupted into shocked laughter, at which point Woo fixed his father with a steely stare and gave him the De-Niro style silent warning…followed by a cheeky giggle.
No shit! He REALLY did that!
Which is hilarious but has also given me cause to wonder how to proceed in future.
I have always thought that the fact that Hubbster and I are naturally tactile and affectionate with one another and the children is a very healthy environment for our children to grow up in. Teaching our children to express their feelings is a good thing right?
But should we be more guarded in showing our affection towards one another in front of the children? (And of course I am referring to non-sexual affection just to clarify.)
Is it okay for him to think we are gross, but still feel secure knowing that he is part of a stable and secure family unit?
I’d love to hear your thoughts and/or personal experiences on this topic.