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uDraw Game Tablet Review & AWESOME GIVEAWAY

I’m excited!

Not because I was actually finally brave enough to wax my own moustache, although I am still feeling ridiculously smug about that.

I’m excited because I have managed to secure an awesome GIVEAWAY for one of my lucky readers.  With Christmas around the corner this awesome prize pack is sure to make one lucky families festive season extra fun…and I know because the kids and I were lucky enough to win our own one a few weeks ago.

Drum roll please…you know how much  I love to create drama and suspense…

Up for grabs I have…



Final1210_Studio_FOB                Final1210_Pictionary_FOB1                Final1210_Doods_FOB1


1 x uDraw GameTabletTM that comes packaged with uDraw StudioTM –  RRP $119.95
1 x PictionaryTM  – RRP $59.95
1 x Dood’s Big AdventureTM  – $59.95

(Wii console is needed to use these, and is not included in the prize pack)


Not just the uDraw game tablet, but THREE fantastic games to play with it to, for hours, weeks, months of peace and quiet  fun.!  I meant fun, honestly.

I know!  Pretty awesome right?

The Woo (5) and Foghorn (3) have had hours of fun on the udraw tablet with the uDraw Studio game.  What’s more they get so engrossed in creating their little visual masterpiece on our big lounge room TV that they have QUIET FUN!  Woo Hoo!  Y’gotta love that!

And unlike parking them in front of the TV while I get some jobs done, or prepare the meals, I can enjoy that hour of peace and quiet absolutely guilt free, knowing that they are interacting in a way that requires them to explore their creativity and develop and improve their hand-eye co-ordination.

Really ladies, I have to give it to the good people at THQ, this Wii accessory really ticks all the boxes for me.

As you may already know I recently took my brood on a week’s holiday to my parents house…my parents very clean, super tidy house.  (Not at all what my children are used to!)  Luckily my parents have a Wii console so I was able to pack the uDraw tablet and uDraw Studio disc in my luggage…as back up in the event of a rainy day.  It is light and compact and took up next to no room.

The boys were able to paint, and colour, and draw, and stamp with a whole multitude of mediums and palettes without making so much as a smudge of mess in their grandparents home!  Phew!  They were even able to save their best creations and print them out later to take pride of place on Nana’s fridge…and the not so good ones didn’t need to pile up in an untidy mass of crumpled papers on top of the fridge (because you feel to guilty to have a purge and get rid of them!!!)  Yeah, you know what I’m talking about!

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Examples of Woo & Foghorn’s creations using the colouring book function of the art-based game uDraw Studio.   


But don’t be fooled by my little darlings works of art.  The uDraw game tablet is not merely childs play.  For a look at what it is really capable of you can watch artist David Kassan ‘having a go.’


Uh, yeah!  Impressive stuff, eh?

Whilst the Studio game is very much a solitary pastime, the tablet can also be utilised in a group setting.  THQ have taken everyone’s favourite party game Pictionary and turned it into a game for the Wii.  The graphics are fantastic and fun and you are able to chose between easy and hard clues, so it is perfect to play as a family or even with a few glasses of wine and some friends!

(I am particularly fond of this game, because the Woo and I won at the blogger brunch we attended which is how we got our own tablet, and I managed to attain the status of Pictionary Queen in my five year old’s eyes…even if his admiration only lastest for one day.  Please believe me when I say that I WANT to keep this game for myself…but I won’t!)

Anyway, enough about me…that’s get down to how you can get your creative little mits on this fantastic prize pack.

In 25 words or less, tell us why you would like to win the uDraw tablet prize pack.

The competition closes at midnight on Sunday 6th November 2011.

Entries will be judged on creativity and the winner will be announced and contacted on Monday 7th November 2011.

 In 25 words or less, tell us why you would like to win the uDraw tablet prize pack.


Please read terms and conditions below:

1. Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these Conditions of Entry. To enter, contestants must tell us in 25 words or less why they would like to win this prize pack. Enter by leaving a comment at the end of the article during the promotion period.

2. Entry is only open to residents of Australia aged 18 years and older. Employees (and their immediate families) of the Promoter, Participating Outlets and their agencies associated with this promotion are ineligible to enter. The promotion will run in Australia between 18/10/11  and  6/11/11.

3. The promotion will be conducted by Mums Lounge. The entries will be judged on creativity . The winner(s) will be notified by email.

4. This is a game of skill. The entry/ies deemed to be most creative as decided by a panel of judges appointed by Mums Lounge will win the uDraw tablet prize pack, valued RRP $239.85. The judges’ decision is final. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the prize value. Prizes, including any unused portion, are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash, unless indicated otherwise.

5. The Promoter reserves the right at any time to verify the validity of entries received and reserves the right to disqualify any entrant for tampering with the entry process or for submitting an entry which is not in accordance with these Conditions of Entry.

6. Incomplete, illegible or indecipherable entries will be deemed invalid.

7. The Promoter shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for personal injury which is suffered or sustained, as a result of taking any of the prizes, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.

8. The Promoter collects entrants’ personal information in order to conduct the promotion. If the information requested is not provided, the entrant may not participate in the promotion. By entering the promotion, unless otherwise advised, each entrant also agrees that the Promoter may use this information, or disclose it to other organisations that may use it, in any media for future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes without any further reference, payment or other compensation to the entrant. Entrants’ personal information may be disclosed to State and Territory lottery departments and winners’ names published as required under the relevant lottery legislation. A request to access, update or correct any information should be directed to the Promoter at their address set out below.

9. The Promoter is Mums Lounge.  Contact: [email protected]






Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.