Growing up is Optional

‘We don’t stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing.’
George Bernard Shaw
I’ve told you often enough about Hubbster’s Granny and how dear she is to me, haven’t I? Despite being 83 years old she has a better social life than most people I know, and her secret I am convinced, is the fact that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she is…y’know…old.
Today, whilst putting the washing on the line (and making a quick dash into the house to retrieve my camera) I managed to capture just a snapshot of what makes this woman so bloody special.
Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional!
That’s right. Four year old Foghorn challenged his 83 year old Great-Granny to a Hula-off, and she accepted without even batting an eyelid!
There truly is something special about remaining young at heart.
Do you know anyone like Granny?
This week I am linking up with the gorgeous Kate from Kate Says Stuff for Thankful Thursday.