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Australian Amateur Chef Invents The Bailey’s Mudcake Parfait And We Couldn’t Be More Thankful!

Australian Amateur Chef Invents The Bailey’s Mudcake Parfait And We Couldn’t Be More Thankful!


An Australian amateur chef has just paired the iconic Woolworth’s mud cake with Bailey’s Irish Cream and we seriously can’t thank them enough! YUM!

The recipe that’s so good it should “be illegal” was shared in a Facebook group and combines Woolworths’ delicious chocolate mud cake, Baileys Irish Cream, chocolate custard, whipped cream and a Peppermint Crisp chocolate bar.

“I bought a Woolworths Chocolate Mud Cake and sliced it in half. You’ll have to remove the icing as well,” the chef explained in the post.

“I then placed a circular cake slither into the bottom of the glass as a base. Following this I mixed Baileys into custard and poured it on top.”



If you’re not into peppermint, you could substitute it for a different chocolate bar, or you could even use those flavoured Baileys for a unique spin on the dessert.

Considering a Woolworths chocolate mud cake will only set you back $4.80 and chances are we all have Bailey’s sitting in our cupboards, this is one affordable and delicious dessert!

Bless the internet for providing us with the ultimate 2 minute dessert recipe using some classic Aussie ingredients.

Check out everything you need to make the ‘Baileys Woolies Cake Parfait’ below. You’re welcome!!


Woolies Mud Cake



Whipped Cream


“I bought a Woolworths Chocolate Mud Cake and sliced it in half. You’ll have to remove the icing as well” she captions.

Use the top of a glass to cut circles out of the cake then pour some Baileys on the circular pieces to soak them.

“I then place a circular cake slither into the bottom of the glass as a base. Mixed Baileys into custard and poured it on top”

Then top it all off with some whipped cream and your favourite crushed chocolate bur on top! Enjoy!

Images: Facebook

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage

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