Chrissy Teigen Says Motherhood Should Be A Choice Not A Given!
Mum of one Chrissy Teigen has become an unofficial spokesperson for women and mothers everywhere. Never one to shy away from saying what’s on her mind, she’s spoken out about everything from post natal depression to cellulite to dealing with infertility.
With just the right balance of honesty and humbleness Teigen manages to say what’s on her mind without offending. In fact it’s quite the opposite, her self depreciating humour makes us feel that she’s one of us- dealing with the same boring mummy problems all mothers go through! Just one of the many reasons we love and admire her so much!
The 31 year old model and tv host has now given her opinion on motherhood and what it can mean for so many women. Speaking to Refinery29 Teigen says not all women should be expected to become mothers nor should they feel the pressure to want to.
“I think it’s really commendable to even doubt the process out loud, because I don’t feel like people should be pressured to have children. I’m sure that when you announce that fact to somebody, they’re very quick to be like, ‘Gasp! Why don’t you want kids?’ And I’ve never been that way with people, because I don’t think any of us should assume all women’s goals are to have kids. It’s a choice,” she said.

However, for Teigen and her famous husband John Legend, her choice was to have children. The pair welcomed a daughter, Luna, in 2016.
“I didn’t really have any fears in having a kid, just because I knew that I wanted one and we worked so hard to have her. But I have to say, even when we did the IVF process, and then actually conceived, I looked at John and was like, ‘Oh my god, is this right? Were we just jumping into this?’ And I will also say that a lot of the fear comes from other people; if I had listened to all of my friends, I would have been terrified of pregnancy. For me, pregnancy was so great. But then, you don’t always want to share that with people, because the last thing somebody with a terrible pregnancy wants to hear is how much a good of a time you’re having or how energetic you feel!”
Teigen shared her thoughts on having baby number two and says she’s afraid things won’t be running as smoothly next time round!
“I’m sure my next one is going to be the complete opposite of Luna. But everyone has their own experience. Luna is really the first baby I have ever been around. So you have to go through your own thing with it, and no matter what happens, no matter how uncomfortable or comfortable you get with a baby, remember that it all changes the next week. If you’re feeling safe now, it’s going to get a little crazier the next week. If you’re feeling crazy now, it’s going to get so much better the next week. It makes you prepared for anything.”
It’s so refreshing to hear another mother and celebrity verbalise what many women may be feeling. The choice not to have children shouldn’t be a taboo subject. It should be discussed openly and without judgement. Just because someone chooses not to give birth, it doesn’t make her any less of a woman nor should it open her up to judgement and criticism from other mums. It takes a brave woman to speak up and say “you know what, I don’t want kids and that’s ok.” Cause I’ll be honest with you. I kind of wish more women stopped and thought carefully before deciding to reproduce- cause being a mother isn’t just about being able to fall pregnant and give birth. But that’s another story…
Photos: Instagram