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Eight Year Old Takes On Cereal Giant Kellogg’s And Wins!

Eight Year Old Takes On Cereal Giant Kellogg’s And Wins!

Feminist warrior Daliah Lee may only be eight years old but she’s already managed to take on cereal giant Kellogg’s and win!

The determined Aussie youngster wrote to Kellogg’s to complain that they only use images of boys on their Nutri Grain cereal boxes. She said girls “also do awesome things.”

The second year student from Belconnen noticed the injustice while eating her cereal one morning. She said the box only showed boys on the box, all doing cool stuff like mountain biking and surfing. But no girls. “Why?” she wanted to know.

“I thought, ‘Why aren’t there girls on there?’ Girls can do amazing stuff too. We don’t have to think one is better than the other. We’re all humans.”

Daliah’s letter must’ve struck a chord with someone because Kellogg’s has promised it will put girls on its boxes of Nutri-Grain starting from next year.

Canberra girl, Daliah was super excited to hear the good news on Friday. “I jumped up and down and screamed, I was so excited,” she said. “Finally all my hard work has paid off. Children are important as well and need to be listened to.”

The company’s said that while women had featured on Nutri-Grain boxes in the past it’s true they had been left off the boxes recently. This would be addressed immediately.

Hearing Daliah’s passion and, as a company that values diversity and inclusion, we’ve decided that we will update the back-of-pack imagery with images of both females and males. This will be rolled out in 2019, so that we can continue to inspire all Aussies no matter their gender,” the statement from Kellogg’s read.

Kellogg’s response wasn’t initially so positive though. Their first letter to Dahlia simply said “We’re sorry you were unhappy with this product.” No to be beaten, Dahlia then set up a  petition on to persuade the company to change its policy.

Kellogg's initial response to Daliah: "I am sorry you did not like this particular product''.

Dahlia says she’s boycotted the cereal, even though it’s her favourite, until she sees images of girls on there.

“Only when I see the evidence they haven’t lied to me,” she said.

Mother Annabelle and father Adam are super proud of their daughter’s activist actions and say they always encouraged her to make a difference.

“I think one of most amazing things is that she is at that beautiful age where she genuinely believes she can change the world,” Annabelle said. “It may be something as superficial as a cereal box but she’s aware when something doesn’t feel fair.”

Not content with taking on a corporate giant and winning, Dahlia says she would love to lead the country one day. “I’d like to be prime minister,” she said. And we have no doubt she has a real shot at it!

Comments on the Canberra Times article voice people’s admiration for the youngster and her actions.

Good on her! Too often photos of girls and women are missing from a whole range of things, including sporting photos in the media. It is a subtle thing that girls can pick on and feel that that girls may be inferior in some way or girls don’t matter etc.

It’s been a while since I got Nutri grain so I hadn’t taken notice of their recent boxes. I remember that their old commercials featured Grand Kenny and Lisa Curry. Not sure if they were on the boxes back then though.
Images: The Canberra Times

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage