Family Enraged That New Dad Refused to Let Anyone Hold His Son When He Was Born

Family Enraged That New Dad Refused to Let Anyone Hold His Son When He Was Born
Casting our minds back to those first precious days after giving birth, we can see how important those bonding moments are to a newly expanded family. Some couples opt to take at least two weeks to themselves with their infant before introducing them to their families of origin. This time is even more important to a young family when the birth takes a life-threatening turn.
So when one father made the decision to not allow anyone to hold his newborn son until his unconscious wife could, he had the best interests of his new family in mind. Unfortunately, his mother and sister did not agree, causing undue stress and a rift in the family.
Sharing his story on Reddit, the new dad second-guessed his decision, asking if it really was the right thing to do after all.
The man explained that prior to the pandemic, his wife endured a complicated pregnancy and ended up needing an emergency c-section.
“We had talked about it for a while and she admitted hating the thought she would be the last to hold our son. So when he was born and she was still unconscious I did not allow anyone in our families to hold him, or even meet him really. They saw me but that was about it.”
“She was unconscious for four days but thankfully recovered and was able to meet and hold our son. It was about a day later that everyone else got to meet him and hold him for the first time.
“Our families were upset but nothing really kicked off except for my mum and sister who were kinda pushy about it.”
Things seemed to blow over and everyone got on with life until the new mum opened up about her traumatic birth experience on social media. This prompted her husband’s family to act up all over again.
“My mum and sister then really started acting like kids. Saying it wasn’t fair and we robbed them of those first few days with their grandson/nephew. I told them plenty of people meet grandkids and nieces/nephews days or even weeks or months after birth and had this been Covid times it would not have happened for a lot longer. But they said I was selfish and should not have done that just because my wife couldn’t meet or hold our baby.”
No. Hell no, in fact. Just because his wife couldn’t meet or hold her baby? That’s an enormously important reason, not a “just because”!
“What? Your mother and sister need to check themselves,” penned one person. “They think they should have the right to hold the baby before his own mother??”
Another added: “They lost nothing waiting a few days. This was profoundly important to your wife, who endured a great deal of physical trauma bringing him into the world. Of course, you needed to honour her wishes.
“You robbed your son of nothing. Those who are complaining are being incredibly obnoxious and selfish. Perhaps they don’t need to see your son at all.”
Source: Reddit/Am I The Asshole