Father of Five Wants to ‘Immortalise’ His Sperm by Turning It into a Vasectomy Ring Keepsake for His Wife

Father of Five Wants to ‘Immortalise’ His Sperm by Turning It into a Vasectomy Ring Keepsake for His Wife
A British father of five is searching high and low for a jeweller who can transform his sperm into a beautiful ring which he intends to give to his wife for Christmas this year if it is finished in time.
Before we all collectively gag, people make jewellery out of all sorts of things, like human ashes, umbilical cords and breast milk. Just last week I wrote an article about a man fashioning a “jewel” out of his own fingernail clippings.
The unnamed man, who says his baby-making days are well and truly over, is preparing to have a vasectomy at the end of November but hopes to “immortalise” his live sperm before then in a piece of jewellery. This ring will then be given as an amusing Christmas gift to his wife – if he can get it made in time.
The London-based dad says he and his wife are always pranking each other with unusual gifts and he thinks this one could be the best yet.
In order to see his idea become a reality, the man has contacted online local services marketplace Bark.com.
‘Hi Bark
To cut to the chase I’m looking for a jeweller who can put my sperm into a ring which I’m going to give my wife for Christmas and spotted you had jewellery makers on site.
I know this is super weird, but I’m due to get a vasectomy at the end of November, and I wanted to do something funny with the last few living sperm I’ve got, kind of like a keepsake of my manhood. The plan is to give the ring to my wife on Christmas day, wait for her to tell me it’s beautiful, let her wear it for a couple of hours, and then tell her what it’s actually made of…
So you don’t think I’m a complete nutter, my wife and I have been together for more than 20 years now, have five kids (hence the vasectomy haha!) and since day one we’ve been pulling pranks on each other with quirky presents – this will hopefully be the best one yet though.
Now I posted the ad a few weeks ago and I haven’t had any responses, I can’t say I’m surprised, but I wanted to send you this email to see if you had any jewellers on your books who could help?
I know this type of jewellery can be quite expensive (I saw some breastmilk ones online), so I’ve set aside around £1500 for the ring, I’m not really looking to spend any more than that.
I want to get someone lined up pretty soon, because if this isn’t going to work out I’ll need to plan something else. Please let me know if you can help, I’ve been looking for a month already and need to get it sorted ASAP!’
Hey, if that’s what floats this couple’s boat then more power to them.
Who wouldn’t want a gorgeous piece of jewellery with a hilarious tale behind it?
We do hope that there’s a talented jeweller with a strong constitution out there somewhere willing to help him! We’d love to see the finished article, too.
Source: Bark.com